Hello. Since my IQ is 75, I feel very sad. And most of the time I feel worthless. What do you suggest me?

Albert, I would suggest you ignore the IQ score. IQ is the best measure of intelligence that we have, but it falls short in many areas and measures only some dimensions of intelligence. It doesn’t measure creativity, musical talent or long-term problem solving ability. Furthermore, we know that intelligence can be enhanced by stimulating your brain through study and investigation. 

While a certain level of intelligence is required to excel in some areas, there are many areas where passion, commitment and perseverance are more important characteristics for success. I know many people who have been extremely successful in business. Most of them are of high IQ, but there are some who might score below average on an IQ test. 

Thomas Edison was called “addle-brained” by his Grade 3 teacher and he left school, never to return, yet his achievements changed our world. Sir Richard Branson, (See: Sir Richard Branson – Intelligence and IQ) who described himself as a “dunce” went on to found of the Virgin family of businesses and became a billionaire. So, feeling sad is self-defeating. Get a mitt and get in the game and you will discover that you can achieve a lot of things that many of those of higher IQ could not.

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