I did an IQ test online and the summary of my results said that I’m a ‘pattern mathematician’. I’m what I would call average at mathematics. What is a pattern mathematician?

Some of the IQ tests on line are designed to make money and have not been scientifically normed. Consequently, they are not reliable as measures of IQ. As a mathematician, I can tell you that I’ve never heard the term “pattern mathematician” and cannot imagine what it might mean, because all mathematics involves the recognition of pattern, whether in data analysis, geometry, or algebraic representation. Mathematics has been described as the “science of patterns.” Famous number theorist, G. H. Hardy wrote in A Mathematician’s Apology (p. 84):

A mathematician, like a painter or a poet, is a maker of patterns. If his patterns are more permanent than theirs, it is because they are made with ideas.

You probably did well on the test on those items of the type, “Find the next number in the series, 5, 9, 13, 17, …” and that yielded a computer driven comment, “You’re a pattern mathematician.”

The fact that you are interested in your IQ is a good sign. I believe that doing mathematics is a wonderful way to increase your capacity for abstract thinking and would encourage you to continue studying mathematics, doing puzzles and challenging your brain. You’ll find the engagement to be exhilarating!

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