Brendan Kelly Ph.D.

Brendan Kelly is Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto. He is author of over 50 books including the recent "Intelligence, IQ & Perception", and "Intelligence: Where we Were, Where we Are & Where we’re Going." He holds two doctorate degrees: a Ph.D. in Mathematics (Number Theory) from U. of T. and an Ed.D. in Computer Applications from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, and he curates his site on Quora titled, “IQ & Intelligence.”

What happens to academic achievers when they’re no longer the smartest person in the room?

I can give you several examples of gifted people whose lives were dramatically changed when they discovered that they might not be the brightest bulb in the box. However, I will share only two cases. The first person, whom we’ll call “Henry”, was a star pupil in a private school who discovered computers at an …

What happens to academic achievers when they’re no longer the smartest person in the room? Read More »

How do highly intelligent people manage to stay focused in a world that might seem slow to them?

Imagine what it’s like to come into a world with high intelligence. From early in youth, you are infused with an eagerness to understand your new existence. Adults whom you love and who love you may attempt to teach you ancient religious doctrine that doesn’t make sense to you, but you attempt to accept these …

How do highly intelligent people manage to stay focused in a world that might seem slow to them? Read More »

Why do some people experience deep emotional reactions to mathematical discoveries?

Most people are not interested in mathematics, physics or any subjects that involve abstract concepts. To test the validity of this assertion, attend a party or a social gathering in which everyone is engaged in animated conversation and announce: Listen up, everyone. Some of you may not be aware that on October 12, 2024, the …

Why do some people experience deep emotional reactions to mathematical discoveries? Read More »

Which historical figures best demonstrate constructive originality rather than just high intelligence?

Constructive originality is the ability to innovate in the creation of a new invention, theory or idea. Many of the most celebrated humans in history made their reputations by applying their creative ability to the solution of problems or to the achievement of new intellectual breakthroughs. From the ancient world, many of the philosophers and …

Which historical figures best demonstrate constructive originality rather than just high intelligence? Read More »

Is intelligence determined by genetics? If so, how is it inherited? If not, what factors contribute to a person’s level of intelligence?

In 1990, Thomas J. Bouchard et al. published a seminal article titled, Sources of Human Psychological Differences: The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart in which they assembled 100 sets of identical twins who were separated early in life and raised apart. All participants in the study completed about 50 hours of medical and psychological …

Is intelligence determined by genetics? If so, how is it inherited? If not, what factors contribute to a person’s level of intelligence? Read More »

What are practical examples of chunking complex information while reading?

Those of us in academic fields read several thousands of books and papers in our lifetime and it’s vitally important to retain and recover what we’ve read, because there’s not enough time to read the same source twice. I have several ways that I chunk information, enabling me to recall or retrieve the contents of …

What are practical examples of chunking complex information while reading? Read More »

I have a passion for math and I really want to get a PhD, but I’m not sure if I’m intelligent enough. Is it still worth pursuing?

I feel a kinship with those who have a passion for math and I want to help you with your decision. Your passion for mathematics is a vital factor in achieving a Ph.D. in that subject. Of course, a high IQ, including a capacity for abstraction, is also a necessary criterion because you will be …

I have a passion for math and I really want to get a PhD, but I’m not sure if I’m intelligent enough. Is it still worth pursuing? Read More »

Why do you think 85% of Gen-Z members say they want to have an impact on the world?

In the generations that preceded Gen-Z, we lived in a world in which the life-plan of many was to get an education, get a job, raise a family, retire, and die of old age. This plan served the needs of a substantial portion of the population through the 20th century. However, in the latter decades …

Why do you think 85% of Gen-Z members say they want to have an impact on the world? Read More »

What are the most shocking mathematical discoveries that challenged mathematicians’ intuition?

Throughout the development of mathematics there have been several milestones marked by their challenge to mathematical intuition. During the time of the Ancient Greek civilization around 500 BCE, it was believed that all numbers are rational, that is, they can be expressed as integers (whole numbers) or fractions of integers. Then, a group of mathematicians …

What are the most shocking mathematical discoveries that challenged mathematicians’ intuition? Read More »

Is there any evidence to support the claim that first-borns are more mature and successful than others? What about only children?

Of course, the answer depends to a significant extent on what we mean by “success.” In terms of entrepreneurship, some studies show that many of the most successful entrepreneurs were first born. For example, the table below shows the birth order of some of the most famous entrepreneurs. While Larry Page and Sergei Brin (founders …

Is there any evidence to support the claim that first-borns are more mature and successful than others? What about only children? Read More »

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