Brendan Kelly Ph.D.

Brendan Kelly is Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto. He is author of over 50 books including the recent "Intelligence, IQ & Perception", and "Intelligence: Where we Were, Where we Are & Where we’re Going." He holds two doctorate degrees: a Ph.D. in Mathematics (Number Theory) from U. of T. and an Ed.D. in Computer Applications from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, and he curates his site on Quora titled, “IQ & Intelligence.”

Which of these Traits: High IQ, Charm or Charisma is most important for Success?

Traits like high IQ, charisma and charm are all attributes that can help a person achieve their goals. Of course, the importance of each quality depends upon the field in which success is sought. In politics, charism and charm play an essential role in how a person is perceived. A candidate for election who is …

Which of these Traits: High IQ, Charm or Charisma is most important for Success? Read More »

Why do some intelligent individuals refer to themselves as “dumb” or having an “average IQ”? What could be the reason behind them saying this about themselves?

The world is designed for people who are considered “normal” in height, weight, intelligence, and other mental and physical characteristics. Airplanes and theaters have seat sizes that punish those who are much taller than average. Airplane overhead racks punish those who are shorter than average. Radio and television programs are designed for people of average …

Why do some intelligent individuals refer to themselves as “dumb” or having an “average IQ”? What could be the reason behind them saying this about themselves? Read More »

Is it Common for People to Know, with any accuracy, their own Intelligence Levels?

One of the easiest ways to gain insight into the correlation between a person’s actual intelligence and their perception of their intelligence is through through the observation of people as they suffer intellectual decline. When people of normal intelligence enter gradual dementia through aging or a disease like Alzheimer’s, they begin to notice their declining …

Is it Common for People to Know, with any accuracy, their own Intelligence Levels? Read More »

How does Extreme Intelligence affect a Person’s Perception of Life?

People of extreme intelligence, are distinct in their inclination to challenge accepted beliefs. Socrates, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Nietzsche, Darwin and Einstein are among the most intelligent people who have ever lived, and they were all renegades who challenged consensus.  Those extremely intelligent free-thinking renegades from early in their lives challenged the religious beliefs, social norms, …

How does Extreme Intelligence affect a Person’s Perception of Life? Read More »

What factors contribute to a person’s ability in mathematics? Is it primarily innate or influenced by experience and training?

Based on my research in mathematics education, I believe that the average person is able to learn mathematics as defined by the CCSS (Common Core State Standards) up to a grade 10 or 11 level. However, by 2019, most states had opted out of teaching to these standards, because most students weren’t able to reach …

What factors contribute to a person’s ability in mathematics? Is it primarily innate or influenced by experience and training? Read More »

What Is Your Opinion of Highly Intelligent, but Toxic Individuals? What Could Be The Reason for their Mean Behavior?

During my career in mathematics and physics, I have met a lot of highly intelligent people. Their personalities seem to run the same gamut as the personalities in most intellectual categories. There are some who are socially pleasant and use their gifts to help others, while others display open hostility and use their intellectual gifts …

What Is Your Opinion of Highly Intelligent, but Toxic Individuals? What Could Be The Reason for their Mean Behavior? Read More »

Are There Any Concepts That Humans Are Unable To Understand Owing To The Limitations Of Our Intelligence?

Yes, there are many concepts in mathematics, philosophy, physics and psychology that may be intellectually inaccessible to all humans. One of the oldest and most fundamental questions that has confounded philosophers from ancient times is the question of “first cause.” That is, did the universe exist forever or was it created? If it was created, …

Are There Any Concepts That Humans Are Unable To Understand Owing To The Limitations Of Our Intelligence? Read More »

Did Einstein ever say that Newton was more Intelligent than He?

In November 15, 1927, Einstein’s long tribute to Newton on the bicentenary anniversary of his death, began with the statement: One’s thoughts cannot but turn to this shining spirit, who pointed out, as none before or after him did, the path of Western thought and research and practical construction. He was not only an inventor …

Did Einstein ever say that Newton was more Intelligent than He? Read More »

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