Brendan Kelly Ph.D.

Brendan Kelly is Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto. He is author of over 50 books including the recent "Intelligence, IQ & Perception", and "Intelligence: Where we Were, Where we Are & Where we’re Going." He holds two doctorate degrees: a Ph.D. in Mathematics (Number Theory) from U. of T. and an Ed.D. in Computer Applications from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, and he curates his site on Quora titled, “IQ & Intelligence.”

Can a Person’s Personality Change as they become more Intelligent? If so, How would you Describe this Change?

We can observe the evolution of personality changes that accompany changes in intelligence by watching young children evolve into adults. Young children live in an egocentric world. While they learn at a prodigious rate, they live on a roller coaster of emotion. They scream with joy as they plunge into the swimming pool and wail …

Can a Person’s Personality Change as they become more Intelligent? If so, How would you Describe this Change? Read More »

Has Humanity reached its Maximum Mental Potential? Will we continue to get smarter in the future? Why or why not?

The evolution of science a few centuries ago has enhanced the value of rational thought. In earlier eras before science became our main source of information, we filled the vacuum of knowledge with superstition. We believed in witches, soothsayers and eternal punishment in Hell. Today, most people in the educated world are less likely to …

Has Humanity reached its Maximum Mental Potential? Will we continue to get smarter in the future? Why or why not? Read More »

What are the top 3 questions you can ask a person in a personal interview to roughly determine his level of intelligence, if he has a high level of intelligence?

This is an important question that has been a focus of the human resources departments of high tech companies in recent decades. In 1993, Forbes journalist Richard Karlgaard, in a conversation with Bill Gates asked, “What Microsoft competitor worries you most?” Without hesitation, Gates responded, “Goldman Sachs.” When Karlgaard responded with surprise that Gates named …

What are the top 3 questions you can ask a person in a personal interview to roughly determine his level of intelligence, if he has a high level of intelligence? Read More »

Can a person have a high intelligence but a low IQ? If so, what are the reasons for this and how does it affect their life?

Although IQ tests provide the best estimate of intelligence that we have, they have limitations that result from the fact that these tests are usually administered over a short period of time. Though they measure short term memory, pattern recognition, concept acquisition, short term problem solving etc., they cannot measure all the dimensions of intelligence …

Can a person have a high intelligence but a low IQ? If so, what are the reasons for this and how does it affect their life? Read More »

Is Intelligence Always Considered a Positive Trait? Are there Advantages to being Unintelligent?

Intelligence, like athleticism, is generally considered to be a positive trait, because it increases the options available to you for career, choice of spouse, and perhaps, access to a wider variety of social groups. However, there are significant advantages to having average intelligence. The world is designed for people who are considered “normal” in height, …

Is Intelligence Always Considered a Positive Trait? Are there Advantages to being Unintelligent? Read More »

How did Einstein’s ideas gain credibility and acceptance, despite being abstract to those who are not well-versed in physics and math?

It took a long time for Einstein’s ideas to gain acceptance. His first paper on his Special Theory of Relativity was published in 1905, when he was 26 years old. It was the same year he received his Ph.D. Einstein’s assertion that time was not absolute ran against Newton’s assumption that had stood for more …

How did Einstein’s ideas gain credibility and acceptance, despite being abstract to those who are not well-versed in physics and math? Read More »

Is it Possible for Someone to be an “unsuccessful genius” or do they simply lack the drive to succeed in their chosen field(s)?

More than two thousand years ago, Plato stated, “A hero is born among a hundred, a wise man is found among a thousand, but an accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred thousand men.” In that quote, Plato is expressing his observation that “wise men” or geniuses exist, but only a fraction …

Is it Possible for Someone to be an “unsuccessful genius” or do they simply lack the drive to succeed in their chosen field(s)? Read More »

What is a concept about intelligence that may be difficult for unintelligent people to grasp?

An aptitude test of middle school students asks them, “Which of these questions is mathematically different from the other two?” a) What is the approximate cost of building a fence around a rectangular swimming pool that is 60 feet long and 30 feet wide if fencing costs $10 per foot? b) What is the cost …

What is a concept about intelligence that may be difficult for unintelligent people to grasp? Read More »

What are some ways to increase wisdom, intelligence and Knowledge?

The best time to begin building wisdom, intelligence and knowledge is during your early formative years, but that is no longer possible for us adults and we must settle for the second-best time–now. A popular author who was writing about education, stated that children come to school as a question mark and by the end …

What are some ways to increase wisdom, intelligence and Knowledge? Read More »

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