Brendan Kelly Ph.D.

Brendan Kelly is Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto. He is author of over 50 books including the recent "Intelligence, IQ & Perception", and "Intelligence: Where we Were, Where we Are & Where we’re Going." He holds two doctorate degrees: a Ph.D. in Mathematics (Number Theory) from U. of T. and an Ed.D. in Computer Applications from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, and he curates his site on Quora titled, “IQ & Intelligence.”

What causes some individuals to feel the need to vocalize their intelligence or skills? Do they believe others are unaware of their abilities?

What follows is a long answer to a short question, but it may be needed to provide a perspective. To gain an insight into the underlying motivations in human behavior, it is useful to examine a predominant theory of our evolution as a species. In the early stages of our existence, we survived as hunter-gatherers …

What causes some individuals to feel the need to vocalize their intelligence or skills? Do they believe others are unaware of their abilities? Read More »

What Have We Learned About The Brain From The Athletic Phenoms? Part 3 Of A 3-Part Story

This is the last of a 3-part story that investigates what we have learned from three athletic “phenoms” about the brain and its adaptability during its period of greatest neuron growth. In Part 1, we looked at the early life of soccer star Pelé, and examined the flow state he experienced, during his moments of …

What Have We Learned About The Brain From The Athletic Phenoms? Part 3 Of A 3-Part Story Read More »

What have we learned about the brain from the Athletic Phenoms? Part 2 of A 3-part story

In What have we learned about the brain from the Athletic Phenoms? Part 1 of a 3-part story, we observed that the once-in-a-generation “phenoms” who emerge in the sports world have early-life commonalities that suggest something about our acquired intelligence. In that post, we looked at the legendary athletic performance of Pelé, the soccer superstar …

What have we learned about the brain from the Athletic Phenoms? Part 2 of A 3-part story Read More »

What have we learned about the brain from the Athletic Phenoms? Part 1 of A 3-part story

Sports psychologists are recognizing that excellence in sports is more mental than physical. Arnold Schwarzenegger, seven-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title, who built one of the greatest physiques through gruelling workouts, once observed, “When the going gets tough, it’s always the mind that fails first, not the body.” Indeed, it’s the mind that drives …

What have we learned about the brain from the Athletic Phenoms? Part 1 of A 3-part story Read More »

What is the impact of having a higher IQ on one’s life and behavior? Does it have positive and negative Effects?

Exceptionality in any domain poses challenges and problems, because the world is designed to accommodate those of average height, of average size and average intellect. Tall people find themselves squashed into airline seats made for those of average size, while short people may have difficulty reaching the overhead storage compartment for their luggage. Clothing stores …

What is the impact of having a higher IQ on one’s life and behavior? Does it have positive and negative Effects? Read More »

What are gifted Children?

A study, titled One Personality Trait Distinguishes Gifted People, and reported in Psychology Today on November 14, 2021, looked at correlations between giftedness and the Big 5 traits (Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Openness to Experience, Neuroticism and Agreeableness). They found the following:* • Giftedness seems like a blessing but may be a burden. • Gifted individuals have learning differences, including …

What are gifted Children? Read More »

Why do people believe intelligence or giftedness makes for socioeconomic success?

If we look at the ten wealthiest people in the world, they see people of very high IQ. Steve Jobs (founder of Apple, Inc.) and Jeff Bezos (founder of were a gifted students. Bill Gates had almost a perfect score on his SATs and Elon Musk has an extremely high IQ. While there is …

Why do people believe intelligence or giftedness makes for socioeconomic success? Read More »

By how much does a person of IQ 150 differ in Intelligence from a person of IQ 145?

There is no discernible difference between two people who have these IQs. On an IQ test with mean 100 and standard deviation 15, a person of IQ 145 is in the 99.87th percentile, while a person of IQ 150 is in the 99.96th percentile.  This means that 13 people out of 10,000 scored higher than …

By how much does a person of IQ 150 differ in Intelligence from a person of IQ 145? Read More »

Do People of High IQ use AI Models like ChatGPT to Expand their Knowledge?

Intelligent people use a host of resources, including ChatGPT to expand their knowledge. However, every knowledge source has limitations. That is why you need a lot of different resources to ensure that the information you get is accurate. Below, your will see a brief summary of the strengths and weaknesses of the various information sources …

Do People of High IQ use AI Models like ChatGPT to Expand their Knowledge? Read More »

If Intelligence is Acquired, How do You Acquire it?

Research seems to indicate that intelligence is acquired through a combination of two factors: genetic inheritance (nature) and environmental experiences (nurture) We have little control over our genetic inheritance, but much more control over our environmental experiences. Research Pertaining to the Your Genetic Inheritance In 1990, Thomas J. Bouchard et al. published a seminal article …

If Intelligence is Acquired, How do You Acquire it? Read More »

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