Brendan Kelly Ph.D.

Brendan Kelly is Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto. He is author of over 50 books including the recent "Intelligence, IQ & Perception", and "Intelligence: Where we Were, Where we Are & Where we’re Going." He holds two doctorate degrees: a Ph.D. in Mathematics (Number Theory) from U. of T. and an Ed.D. in Computer Applications from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, and he curates his site on Quora titled, “IQ & Intelligence.”

If Intelligence is Acquired, How do You Acquire it?

Research seems to indicate that intelligence is acquired through a combination of two factors: genetic inheritance (nature) and environmental experiences (nurture) We have little control over our genetic inheritance, but much more control over our environmental experiences. Research Pertaining to the Your Genetic Inheritance In 1990, Thomas J. Bouchard et al. published a seminal article …

If Intelligence is Acquired, How do You Acquire it? Read More »

Can someone with a Low IQ be Smart at certain things like Math or Art?

In 1904, when the psychologist Charles Spearman was conceptualizing the idea of a general intelligence, denoted by g or IQ, he found that performance in language and mathematics correlated highly with IQ. That is, those who demonstrated high intelligence in learning a variety of different subjects, generally scored well in math and language. However, musical …

Can someone with a Low IQ be Smart at certain things like Math or Art? Read More »

Is the IQ test administered to children the same as the IQ tests administered to adults?

Not usually, but there are several different types of tests. The IQ tests administered to children are usually different from those administered to adults, because children require lower reading levels and have a less extensive vocabulary than adults. For adults (those above 18 years of age) there is a common test, the most popular of …

Is the IQ test administered to children the same as the IQ tests administered to adults? Read More »

Is there a Way to Increase IQ Through Brain-Training Activities?

Actually, we can improve IQ through our formative years, and the earlier the better. However, once we reach adulthood, we cannot increase our fluid intelligence, because the major period of growth in our neural circuitry is behind us. However, while our fluid intelligence begins to decline, we can continue to increase what is called our …

Is there a Way to Increase IQ Through Brain-Training Activities? Read More »

If adaptability is part of being intelligent, why are some people with high IQs socially awkward?

Many people of high intelligence (IQ) also have excellent social skills (EQ). This is generally recognized as relatively common in people in the 125–135 IQ range. Such people are significantly more intelligent than average, but they are close enough to the average to be able to self-reference to understand how others feel. This enables empathy …

If adaptability is part of being intelligent, why are some people with high IQs socially awkward? Read More »

Why are highly intelligent people susceptible to depression?

When it comes to achieving happiness, extremely high intelligence can be a liability, because it is often accompanied by introversion, resulting in limited social skills, feelings of isolation, and a tendency toward depression. Alan Turing (featured in the movie The Imitation Game), Ludwig Boltzmann (developer of statistical mechanics in quantum physics), and Yutaka Taniyama (known for …

Why are highly intelligent people susceptible to depression? Read More »

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