Brendan Kelly Ph.D.

Brendan Kelly is Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto. He is author of over 50 books including the recent "Intelligence, IQ & Perception", and "Intelligence: Where we Were, Where we Are & Where we’re Going." He holds two doctorate degrees: a Ph.D. in Mathematics (Number Theory) from U. of T. and an Ed.D. in Computer Applications from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, and he curates his site on Quora titled, “IQ & Intelligence.”

What is the downside of knowing your IQ Score on a standardized IQ test like WAIS IV?

The greatest downside to knowing your IQ on a standardized IQ test is that it may cause you to put a ceiling on your personal expectations We must remember that an IQ test is a brief snapshot of some of your cognitive skills– a snapshot that has a reasonably large margin of error. Scoring 110 …

What is the downside of knowing your IQ Score on a standardized IQ test like WAIS IV? Read More »

What is meant by the quote, “The frailty of genius is that it Needs an audience.”

A work of art, music, mathematics, or literature can be judged as a “work of genius” only if it has someone to appreciate its value. A symphony of Beethoven might be described as a work of genius by members of a large community, but it might not be considered a work of genius if it …

What is meant by the quote, “The frailty of genius is that it Needs an audience.” Read More »

Why are People, even those of high IQ, not fluent in English or Speak with an accent ?

Many people who live in Europe and Asia can speak two or more languages. For example, more the 80% of Swedes can speak English as well as Swedish. This means that people of average IQ are capable of speaking more than one language with a reasonable degree of fluency. Of course, those who speak 4 …

Why are People, even those of high IQ, not fluent in English or Speak with an accent ? Read More »

What is the lowest IQ Score that is considered to be a Passing score on an Intelligence test?

There is no particular score on an IQ test that registers as a “passing score,” because IQ is not an absolute measure of intelligence, but rather measure relative to the rest of the human population. IQ tests are normed so that IQ scores are distributed on a normal curve with mean 100 and standard deviation …

What is the lowest IQ Score that is considered to be a Passing score on an Intelligence test? Read More »

What are the benefits of someone thinking you are smarter than you actually are?

One of my high school teachers used to say, “It’s not what you know, but what people think you know that counts in life.” This always triggered in me a cognitive conflict, because I believed I was studying mathematics and physics to become smarter, not merely to appear smarter.  Over the years, I came to realize that …

What are the benefits of someone thinking you are smarter than you actually are? Read More »

How can teams Harness the collective intelligence of Diverse Team Members?

Teams of talented people with diverse specialties and strengths are particularly difficult to manage, because they are typically unique individuals with strong egos. They do not easily defer to others or take directions without question. Therefore, it takes someone with strong leadership qualities who is recognized as a person the team members can respect. First …

How can teams Harness the collective intelligence of Diverse Team Members? Read More »

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