Brendan Kelly Ph.D.

Brendan Kelly is Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto. He is author of over 50 books including the recent "Intelligence, IQ & Perception", and "Intelligence: Where we Were, Where we Are & Where we’re Going." He holds two doctorate degrees: a Ph.D. in Mathematics (Number Theory) from U. of T. and an Ed.D. in Computer Applications from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, and he curates his site on Quora titled, “IQ & Intelligence.”

What is the Difference between a Genius and a Super-Genius?

Mathematician, Paul Halmos has provided a rough rubric for ranking mathematicians in order of their achievements. In his book, “I want to be a Mathematician,” he states (p. 305): “Mathematicians of the first ranker the obvious immortals, the unarguable greats, the ones like Archimedes and Gauss. The second rank consists of people who have a …

What is the Difference between a Genius and a Super-Genius? Read More »

If you Haven’t achieved much in life by the Time you’re 38, is it too Late?

In his book, Entrepreneurial Genius: The Power of Passion, Gene Landrum profiled the entrepreneur, Coco Chanel, the seamstress who had little formal education, but founded the giant corporation, known as Chanel. You may recognize this as the company that produced various products, Including, the perfume Chanel No. 5. In his biography of Coco Chanel, Dr. Landrum writes …

If you Haven’t achieved much in life by the Time you’re 38, is it too Late? Read More »

Is there a correlation between IQ and compatibility between two people?

Compatibility in relationships depends on a wide range of factors, including shared values, interests, communication styles, emotional compatibility, and interpersonal dynamics. These aspects are not solely determined by IQ. Emotional intelligence, empathy, communication skills, and the ability to connect with others on an emotional level also play a more significant role in fostering compatibility. However, …

Is there a correlation between IQ and compatibility between two people? Read More »

Why Do Mathematicians Study Number Theory

In his landmark publication, A Mathematician’s Apology, number theorist, Godfrey H. Hardy was unapologetic about the fact that number theory, unlike applied mathematics, had no real application to anything of use, stating: The “real” mathematics of the “real” mathematicians, the mathematics of Fermat and Euler and Gauss and Abel and Riemann, is almost wholly “useless,” …

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What happens to Math Olympiad Winners After they Graduate?

Participants in the International Mathematics Olympiads (IMO) represent the brightest of the bright. They have very high SAT scores, qualify for the best university programs, and have their pick of virtually any career they wish to pursue. Having these options, do they complete a Ph.D. in mathematics and enter academe or do they move in …

What happens to Math Olympiad Winners After they Graduate? Read More »

What are some stories of geniuses who thought they were worth nothing, but managed to make history?

Most people who think they are worth nothing will not achieve at a high level because self-efficacy is a vital component of success. As Henry Ford once observed, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t–you’re right.” Those who believe they cannot achieve are already defeated before they begin. However, there have been many …

What are some stories of geniuses who thought they were worth nothing, but managed to make history? Read More »

Has Human intelligence increased over the past 200,000 years?

If we ask whether the brilliant people of the ancient cultures were more intelligent than the intellectual giants of recent generations, our best guess is based upon statistics. Probability theory predicts that the best poker hand in 100 will probably be better than the best poker hand in the first 10. Similarly the most intelligent …

Has Human intelligence increased over the past 200,000 years? Read More »

Are there different Kinds of intelligence such as Mathematical Intelligence & Emotional Intelligence?

The fact that intelligence is manifest in a variety of different forms makes it difficult to characterize. However, the most widely accepted definition was articulated by psychologist Linda Gottfredson: Intelligence is a very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, …

Are there different Kinds of intelligence such as Mathematical Intelligence & Emotional Intelligence? Read More »

How does a person become a genius like Einstein, Newton, Hawking, and others? Is it DNA or are other factors involved?

Genius seems to emerge gradually from a combination of neural proclivities, along with a variety of personality traits. Recent research reveals that about 70 to 80% of the variance in intelligence among individuals is attributable to the genes they inherit. This means that the neurological structure of a person’s brain can predispose them to intellectual …

How does a person become a genius like Einstein, Newton, Hawking, and others? Is it DNA or are other factors involved? Read More »

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