Brendan Kelly Ph.D.

Brendan Kelly is Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto. He is author of over 50 books including the recent "Intelligence, IQ & Perception", and "Intelligence: Where we Were, Where we Are & Where we’re Going." He holds two doctorate degrees: a Ph.D. in Mathematics (Number Theory) from U. of T. and an Ed.D. in Computer Applications from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, and he curates his site on Quora titled, “IQ & Intelligence.”

Is it a good deal if you lose your IQ but gain wisdom?

Actually, a higher than average IQ is probably necessary for the development of wisdom, so one cannot lose too many IQ points and still gain wisdom. Before elaborating, I will provide Aristotle’s distinction between IQ and wisdom. In the quote below, Aristotle uses the term “Prudence” to describe wisdom. Although the young may be experts …

Is it a good deal if you lose your IQ but gain wisdom? Read More »

Do very high IQ people tend to be responsible and good with their money, or more frivolous and uncaring with their spending?

In my upcoming book titled, Intelligence, IQ, and Perception: Unpopular Truths Exploding Popular Myths, I devote a chapter to the question, “Are Smarter People Wealthier?” An excerpt is included below: In a research paper published in 2007, titled Do you have to be smart to be rich? The impact of IQ on wealth, income and …

Do very high IQ people tend to be responsible and good with their money, or more frivolous and uncaring with their spending? Read More »

Why is it that there are quite a few high IQ societies, but none for high EQ? Is it mainly because currently EQ is more difficult to measure, and has greater variance compared to IQ?

Yes. Research reveals that the concept of emotional intelligence is not well defined and seems to be conflated with other variables such as IQ and personality. The validity of tests designed to measure emotional intelligence, hinges on their ability to assign scores to item responses purported to measure EQ. One of the most prominent of …

Why is it that there are quite a few high IQ societies, but none for high EQ? Is it mainly because currently EQ is more difficult to measure, and has greater variance compared to IQ? Read More »

What are some examples of intellectual intelligence in real life?

While writing a book titled, Intelligence, IQ, and Perception, I explored the concept of intelligence and discovered that it has many different dimensions. In some cases, it manifests as a capacity for persuasive oratory or skillful articulation. My models for this dimension of intelligence were Martin Luther King Jr. and Sir Winston Churchill. Both men …

What are some examples of intellectual intelligence in real life? Read More »

I did an IQ test online and the summary of my results said that I’m a ‘pattern mathematician’. I’m what I would call average at mathematics. What is a pattern mathematician?

Some of the IQ tests on line are designed to make money and have not been scientifically normed. Consequently, they are not reliable as measures of IQ. As a mathematician, I can tell you that I’ve never heard the term “pattern mathematician” and cannot imagine what it might mean, because all mathematics involves the recognition …

I did an IQ test online and the summary of my results said that I’m a ‘pattern mathematician’. I’m what I would call average at mathematics. What is a pattern mathematician? Read More »

Do you think that those who scam others are people with high Intelligence quotient?

The only research I can bring to bear on this question is my personal experience over many decades. It seems to me that what we call “moral integrity” is spread somewhat evenly across the entire spectrum of intelligence. Those who crack computer codes to hack into other people’s accounts or those, like Bernie Madoff, who …

Do you think that those who scam others are people with high Intelligence quotient? Read More »

What are the characteristic traits of people who test at various IQ ranges?

There are significant differences, on average, in the traits of those at opposite ends of the IQ scale, but these differences are not defined precisely enough to be delineated by precise IQ ranges. Furthermore, there are some high-IQ people who do not exude the typical traits of most high-IQ people, because they have other psychological …

What are the characteristic traits of people who test at various IQ ranges? Read More »

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