Why do you think 85% of Gen-Z members say they want to have an impact on the world?

In the generations that preceded Gen-Z, we lived in a world in which the life-plan of many was to get an education, get a job, raise a family, retire, and die of old age. This plan served the needs of a substantial portion of the population through the 20th century. However, in the latter decades …

Why do you think 85% of Gen-Z members say they want to have an impact on the world? Read More »

What are the most shocking mathematical discoveries that challenged mathematicians’ intuition?

Throughout the development of mathematics there have been several milestones marked by their challenge to mathematical intuition. During the time of the Ancient Greek civilization around 500 BCE, it was believed that all numbers are rational, that is, they can be expressed as integers (whole numbers) or fractions of integers. Then, a group of mathematicians …

What are the most shocking mathematical discoveries that challenged mathematicians’ intuition? Read More »

Is there any evidence to support the claim that first-borns are more mature and successful than others? What about only children?

Of course, the answer depends to a significant extent on what we mean by “success.” In terms of entrepreneurship, some studies show that many of the most successful entrepreneurs were first born. For example, the table below shows the birth order of some of the most famous entrepreneurs. While Larry Page and Sergei Brin (founders …

Is there any evidence to support the claim that first-borns are more mature and successful than others? What about only children? Read More »

Is Elon Musk’s success all a facade, or is he truly a genius?

Mike, thank you for the question, it’s something that I am frequently asked. Traditionally, we associate the term “genius” with icons like Albert Einstein who were visionaries in arcane fields populated with mathematical equations that extend beyond the grasp of most humans. However, true genius is characterized by work that stands head and shoulders above …

Is Elon Musk’s success all a facade, or is he truly a genius? Read More »

Is it possible for a person to understand everything? Does being highly intelligent guarantee understanding of everything?

I believe that all the brightest people I have seen, immersed in the study of mathematics and physics, are capable of understanding any of the concepts introduced in those subjects, provided they invest the necessary effort. Of course, there is not enough time to master all branches of any field, but such people can master …

Is it possible for a person to understand everything? Does being highly intelligent guarantee understanding of everything? Read More »

Did Einstein’s greatest contribution to science come from his intuition rather than logic? If this is true, why did he also value logic in his life and scientific research?

Einstein’s greatest contribution to science came from his strong intuition and his willingness to challenge what was tacitly assumed by science. When Einstein arrived on the scientific scene, it was believed that time was absolute and that everyone in any frame of reference would measure time in the same way. In 1887, the experimental physicist …

Did Einstein’s greatest contribution to science come from his intuition rather than logic? If this is true, why did he also value logic in his life and scientific research? Read More »

I observe some smart people around are lacking critical thinking. Is there any correlation between IQ level and susceptibility to unsupportable beliefs?

When I was a teenager, I believed that highly educated and intelligent people were “smart” in all things. In graduate school, I had a chance to discuss ideas with some of the brightest people on the planet, but was often surprised at their depth of belief in a particular political or religious doctrine. Although their …

I observe some smart people around are lacking critical thinking. Is there any correlation between IQ level and susceptibility to unsupportable beliefs? Read More »

Are there any living Nobel Prize winners who displayed exceptional intelligence and talent from a young age?

My answer will include Fields Medal winners as well as Nobel Prize winners because there is no Nobel for mathematics and the Fields Medal is comparable to the Nobel Prize. Nobel Prize in Physics The average age at which a physicist wins the Nobel Prize is 59 years, so many of the recent winners of …

Are there any living Nobel Prize winners who displayed exceptional intelligence and talent from a young age? Read More »

“Mathematics is at the center of Science & Knowledge.”

Ravi Vakil, the Robert Grimmett Professor in Mathematics at Stanford University, began his two-year term as President of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) on February 1, 2025. Vakil, a foremost researcher in the field of algebraic geometry has played a strong role in promoting mathematical research as well as mathematical education. You may recognize him …

“Mathematics is at the center of Science & Knowledge.” Read More »

Why do many academically intelligent people struggle to succeed in life?

Many academically intelligent people succeed brilliantly in life, while others perform modestly, and still others achieve little and live an unfulfilling life. Those who win Nobel Prizes, become billionaire entrepreneurs or world-class surgeons, almost always come from the academically intelligent class of people. Furthermore, many of those who enjoy lives of quality, fulfilled by family, …

Why do many academically intelligent people struggle to succeed in life? Read More »

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