Is there a correlation between intelligence and self-esteem? Do people with higher intelligence tend to have lower self-esteem compared to those with above average intelligence?

The self-esteem of high IQ individuals spans the full range from low self-esteem to high self-esteem. Our personal self-evaluation, when it is linked to our perception of our ability depends to a large extent on the people to whom we compare ourselves. We see this in sports like golf, where golfers are divided into flights …

Is there a correlation between intelligence and self-esteem? Do people with higher intelligence tend to have lower self-esteem compared to those with above average intelligence? Read More »

What are some ways to manage the challenges that come with having an exceptionally high IQ, such as pressure, expectations, and loneliness?

The Problem A person with an exceptionally high IQ is usually different from the average person in their interests, their sense of humour, and their worldview. When they are young, they are often tagged with the epithet “nerd,” meaning that they are perceived by others as “weird.” Like everyone else, they want to be included …

What are some ways to manage the challenges that come with having an exceptionally high IQ, such as pressure, expectations, and loneliness? Read More »

Is it possible for a person’s brain to overload if they are able to understand all the mathematical formulas of Einstein and Newton?

A few years ago, I saw a cartoon in which a student, hand raised, asks his teacher, “Sir, may I leave the room; my brain is full?” The cartoonist has captured the natural perception that the brain is like a vessel with a limited capacity. Fortunately, the brain functions differently, otherwise we’d be unable to …

Is it possible for a person’s brain to overload if they are able to understand all the mathematical formulas of Einstein and Newton? Read More »

How do gifted children think and learn compared to the average person? Do they have a faster understanding and problem-solving ability?

One of the most comprehensive studies of mathematical giftedness was conducted in the Soviet Union between 1955 and 1966, by a team of researchers headed by psychologist Vadim Krutetskii. In describing the results of this research, Krutetskii noted innate differences in the cognitive capacities of children. While carefully sidestepping the Soviet prohibition on linking talent …

How do gifted children think and learn compared to the average person? Do they have a faster understanding and problem-solving ability? Read More »

How did individuals with good communication skills reach high positions despite not being as academically intelligent as others?

Oratorical excellence has been celebrated as a form of intelligence since the beginning of the written word. In 725 BCE, the ancient Greek author, Homer wrote: So, the gods don’t hand out all their gifts at once, not build and brains and flowing speech to all. One man may fail to impress us with his …

How did individuals with good communication skills reach high positions despite not being as academically intelligent as others? Read More »

Can someone be both intelligent and not creative? What is the Difference between intelligence and genius?

Francis Galton, who conceptualized the idea of intelligence, asserted that genius could not be attributed to intelligence alone. He attributed genius to “the concrete triple event, of ability combined with zeal and with capacity for hard labour.” In 1978, Joseph Renzulli, building on this idea, introduced what is known as his “three-ring” definition of giftedness. …

Can someone be both intelligent and not creative? What is the Difference between intelligence and genius? Read More »

Can having one highly intelligent child affect the perceived intelligence of other children in the family?

Studies show that the IQs of siblings have only a moderate correlation (about 0.47) so it is not unusual for some child to be significantly more intelligent than their siblings. Traits that are defined by a complex combination of genes are less likely to be passed from one generation to the next intact. Hence height, …

Can having one highly intelligent child affect the perceived intelligence of other children in the family? Read More »

How do individuals with a High IQ approach problem-solving? Do they tend to solve problems quickly or do they take their time?

One of the most important differences I’ve observed between those who are great problem solvers and those who are not, resides in their attitude. This seems strange, because IQ is crucial to strong problem solving ability. The greatest problem solvers approach a problem with the belief that they will be able to solve it. Fermat’s …

How do individuals with a High IQ approach problem-solving? Do they tend to solve problems quickly or do they take their time? Read More »

Is there a correlation between high IQ and faster brain function. If so, what is the difference in brain speed between individuals with high IQs and those without?

Neuroscience, including the study of brain functions and their relationship to brain structures, is still in its infancy as the technology of brain scans develops. In his book, The Neuroscience of Intelligence, Dr. Richard Haier, one of the leading neuroscientists, reports: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans of identical twins revealed that the highest genetic …

Is there a correlation between high IQ and faster brain function. If so, what is the difference in brain speed between individuals with high IQs and those without? Read More »

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