Can you provide examples of individuals who were initially considered crackpots but later became Geniuses?

Yes, a significant proportion of those brilliant people who defied consensus opinion were considered crackpots before their insights produced results. There is only enough space in this response to go into detail on one example, but I will provide links to brief bios of some others at the end of this post. At the beginning …

Can you provide examples of individuals who were initially considered crackpots but later became Geniuses? Read More »

Is intelligence a common trait among all Ph.D. holders, particularly those who work as educators? Why or why not?

If we were to take the average IQ of those who have earned a Ph.D. (as opposed to honorary Ph.D.’s) we would find that it would be significantly higher than average because it would contain the IQ’s of some of the brightest people on the planet. In 2001, Lubinsky et al* published a study of …

Is intelligence a common trait among all Ph.D. holders, particularly those who work as educators? Why or why not? Read More »

How can one determine if an adult is a true genius or just well-educated in their field of expertise?

Genius is generally measured by achievement. Someone who is classified as a “genius” is usually a person who has discovered or created something entirely new that is a great departure from what was already known or developed. For example, Albert Einstein was considered a genius because he changed the paradigm in physics by challenging the …

How can one determine if an adult is a true genius or just well-educated in their field of expertise? Read More »

I took a real IQ test with a psychologist and got 103. I only slept for 3 hours and my mind wasn’t very clear and the examiner annoyed me and told me to rush all the time. Can I trust this result?

While IQ tests provide very good estimates of intelligence for most people, there are individual cases where the results are highly inaccurate. This can occur for a variety of reasons. Among the most common reason is a lack of familiarity with IQ test items. For example, some of the pattern recognition items that are found …

I took a real IQ test with a psychologist and got 103. I only slept for 3 hours and my mind wasn’t very clear and the examiner annoyed me and told me to rush all the time. Can I trust this result? Read More »

What is the reason that most people do not possess the ability to think abstractly and logically?

The good news is that we are all born with the innate ability to think abstractly and logically to some degree. However, we humans differ significantly in the extent to which we apply logical reasoning or engage in abstract thought. In his bestseller, Thinking Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman outlined the two modes of thinking …

What is the reason that most people do not possess the ability to think abstractly and logically? Read More »

Is there a difference in IQ between different political ideologies? If so, what are these differences?

We are living today in an environment that is highly polarized and perhaps one of the most politically polarized in modern history. In the US, families gathering together at Thanksgiving and other festive occasions are often cautioned that politics is a divisive and potentially incendiary topic. The tribalism evident in the religious wars in history …

Is there a difference in IQ between different political ideologies? If so, what are these differences? Read More »

How can someone determine if they have an above average intellect and how can they utilize it in their life?

The most commonly used instrument for measuring intelligence is the IQ test. However, intelligence is a multi-faceted human attribute that involves many dimensions, such as imagination, creativity, and long-term problem solving ability that are not measured in an IQ test. This means that judgements about intelligence, yours or someone else’s, are somewhat subjective. So, the …

How can someone determine if they have an above average intellect and how can they utilize it in their life? Read More »

How did Einstein’s struggles in math affect his overall intelligence and success? Was he uninterested in the technical aspects of mathematics or simply not skilled in it?

Einstein had the intellectual capacity to learn mathematics at the advanced level, but in his early youth, he thought that most abstract mathematics had little use. While at the Zurich Polytechnic, he scored 5 out of 6 points in this theoretical physics courses, but only 4 out of 6 in his mathematics courses. Believing that …

How did Einstein’s struggles in math affect his overall intelligence and success? Was he uninterested in the technical aspects of mathematics or simply not skilled in it? Read More »

What factors contribute to a person’s intelligence? At what age does intelligence typically develop in children?

The intelligence that we have when we reach adulthood is generally attributed to two factors: our DNA and our environment. For years, psychologists engaged in what was called the “nature vs. nurture” debate about the relative importance of each factor. Those on the “nurture” side of the debate argued that every human begins life as …

What factors contribute to a person’s intelligence? At what age does intelligence typically develop in children? Read More »

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