What are some ways for a person to enhance their intelligence and creativity at an early age?

Each of us is born with a unique intellectual potential that is determined by the genes we inherit. Achieving that potential requires an environment that offers optimal stimulation. The greatest opportunity to improve our IQ occurs in our formative years, and the earlier the better. It is during these early formative years (between birth and …

What are some ways for a person to enhance their intelligence and creativity at an early age? Read More »

Can a person be considered “too Intelligent?” How can one determine if they are “too intelligent,” or “not intelligent enough?”

The answer to this question will differ, depending on whether the question is, “Can a person be too intelligent to achieve happiness?” or whether the question is “Can a person be too intelligent to achieve success?” Can a person be too intelligent to achieve happiness? The 18th-century poet Thomas Gray, coined the proverb, “Where ignorance …

Can a person be considered “too Intelligent?” How can one determine if they are “too intelligent,” or “not intelligent enough?” Read More »

I have two brothers who are both college graduates with an IQ of 130. My IQ is 85. I feel envious of them because they have money and a great job. Why do I feel this?

A few years ago, research was conducted on the self-esteem of students in classes that were divided into ability groups with designations, bluebirds (high level learners), robins (average level learners) and starlings (low level learners). What students do you think had the highest self-esteem? It was found that the students of highest self esteem were …

I have two brothers who are both college graduates with an IQ of 130. My IQ is 85. I feel envious of them because they have money and a great job. Why do I feel this? Read More »

What evidence suggests that Einstein’s achievements were attributable to his high IQ rather than other factors such as hard work?

Research has revealed that there is a high correlation among performance on IQ tests, SATs and achievement in abstract subjects such as mathematics and physics. For example, The figure below from the College Board gives the average SAT score by college major for the year 2014. We see that the highest average SAT scores are …

What evidence suggests that Einstein’s achievements were attributable to his high IQ rather than other factors such as hard work? Read More »

Can two people of equal intelligence have a different score on an IQ test?

Yes, personality differences can make a significant difference in performance on an IQ test, because even IQ tests involve test-taking skills. When faced with a challenging item such as found on the Raven’s progressive matrices, one person, will spend 10 or 15 seconds and then give up and move on to the next item. Another …

Can two people of equal intelligence have a different score on an IQ test? Read More »

What is the point of evaluating intelligence tests contained in books of Philip Carter and Ken Russell, and comparing them to the original approved standard intelligence tests?

Books such as, Ultimate IQ Tests: 1000 Practice Test Questions to Boost Your Brain Power (2012) by Philip Carter & Ken Russell 2012) present test items that resemble the kinds of questions that a person encounters on standard IQ tests such as the Wechsler WAIS IV and the Stanford-Binet. Working through these tests can be …

What is the point of evaluating intelligence tests contained in books of Philip Carter and Ken Russell, and comparing them to the original approved standard intelligence tests? Read More »

Which US President had the Highest IQ and how did it compare to Einstein’s?

This question will be answered in two parts. What US President had the Highest IQ? In 2006, psychologist Dean Keith Simonton conducted what is called a historiometric study of the 42 US presidents from George Washington to George W. Bush in an attempt to estimate their IQs. He entered data from biographies detailing their educational …

Which US President had the Highest IQ and how did it compare to Einstein’s? Read More »

Is there a correlation between brain size and intelligence? If so, why Are animals with the largest brain not smarter than humans?

Autopsies on prominent humans have enabled the investigation of human intelligence relative to brain size. Though some highly intelligent people were found to have possessed significantly larger than average brains, there were many who did not. Gauss, regarded by historians of mathematics as one of the three greatest mathematicians of all time, weighed in at …

Is there a correlation between brain size and intelligence? If so, why Are animals with the largest brain not smarter than humans? Read More »

Can value be created without people? Does automation create value or does it inflate or cheapen it?

Yes, value can be created without people. For example, nature produces fruit trees and vegetables as well as fish that people harvest for food. These are intrinsic values that enable our survival and can be produced without human intervention. Automation generally creates value and that is why we have access to many more goods than …

Can value be created without people? Does automation create value or does it inflate or cheapen it? Read More »

Is there a significant Difference in intelligence between CEOs and other individuals that justifies their high Salaries?

You raise an important question. This week, AP News reported that “CEOs made nearly 200 times what their workers got paid last year.” In an extreme case, Tim Cook, CEO of Apple made just over $60M last year which is about 672 times the median annual salary of an Apple employee. Is this fair? Many …

Is there a significant Difference in intelligence between CEOs and other individuals that justifies their high Salaries? Read More »

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