Has Theoretical Physics Hit a Brick Wall?

The success of Einstein’s Special and General Theories of Relativity brought theoretical physics into the public spotlight and elevated its status as a “glamour” subject. As Einstein and others sought to unify Quantum Physics with the gravitational forces in General Relativity, there was considerable optimism that the secret mechanisms of the universe would soon be …

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What Impact Did the Publication, “The Bell Curve” have on the debate about intelligence & Race?

Background In the early part of the 20th century there was a widespread belief that the major component of human intelligence was determined by genetics rather than environmental influences. Diagnostic tests developed to determine a student’s readiness for instruction were repurposed into IQ tests designed to measure an individual’s innate intelligence determined by their genes. …

What Impact Did the Publication, “The Bell Curve” have on the debate about intelligence & Race? Read More »

Is there a Correlation between Height & Intelligence?

Research suggests that the correlation between height and intelligence is about 0.2 (See references below) This is a very small correlation, suggesting that they are only slightly related. There are a variety of conjectures about whether this correlation is related to genetics or environment. Certainly poor nutrition is associated with shorter stature and impaired brain …

Is there a Correlation between Height & Intelligence? Read More »

Do People of High IQ have Bad Habits and do they think differently from most others?

Yes, people of all IQs have bad habits, but some bad habits are more common among high IQ people, while other bad habits are more frequently possessed by lower IQ people. High IQ people may be prone to “overthinking” situations, resulting in indecision and an inability to take action to resolve a problem. In contrast, …

Do People of High IQ have Bad Habits and do they think differently from most others? Read More »

Do the Gifted Contribute to Society or are they Cognitive Anomalies?

Many people visiting this site in recent weeks have expressed ideas about the gifted–their social eccentricities and their unique talents. Some gifted people have suggested that their high IQ has made them feel socially isolated and sometimes rendered them a victim of bullying. Among the gifted, there are many who are defeated by their early …

Do the Gifted Contribute to Society or are they Cognitive Anomalies? Read More »

Why isn’t creativity emphasized in math class?

Mathematics in the elementary school grades requires students to represent numbers and perform the four arithmetic operations on whole numbers, decimals and fractions. Regularly administered standardized tests are administered to assess and compare the quality of schools. In many cases, this prompts teachers to focus on teaching a mastery of the basic skills by having …

Why isn’t creativity emphasized in math class? Read More »

Ishi asks, “My IQ is around 121-137, but I don’t do well in math. Why Don’t I seem intelligent, when my IQ is high?

Ishi, your quandary is more common than you may think. Many highly intelligent people are not good at the math they encounter in school. There are several reasons for this. On the one hand, most of us are motivated by issues involving human interaction. Literature and history involve narratives about people. We humans are social …

Ishi asks, “My IQ is around 121-137, but I don’t do well in math. Why Don’t I seem intelligent, when my IQ is high? Read More »

Why do some intelligent, hard-working students not achieve high grades?

There are many reasons why hard-working, intelligent students may not achieve high grades. The most common problem for most students is not knowing how to study. If you’re in the STEM subjects, you will need to know how to prepare for examinations. In subjects like mathematics, you must master the mathematical theorems and their applications. …

Why do some intelligent, hard-working students not achieve high grades? Read More »

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