Is the Concept of Giftedness a Myth?

Terrence Tao 1975– On November 2, 2021, I published a post titled, Are IQ and Intelligence Illusory Concepts? It was a post that generated a considerable response. (accessible at: In that post, it was argued that the existence of child prodigies establishes the fact that not all members of our species are identical in …

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Do People with an IQ of 140 think that the Communication range of normal humans is limited?

During his teenage years, a male of IQ 140 learns that it’s not “cool” to talk about quantum physics, or discuss the philosophy of Nietzsche when gathered in a bar after a football game or in the clubhouse after a round of golf. Athletics are an acceptable topic, as are girls, cars and other people. …

Do People with an IQ of 140 think that the Communication range of normal humans is limited? Read More »

Are the changes in average IQ in the past 100 years a consequence of education or dysgenics?

From the early 1930s and beyond, IQ tests were periodically restandardized. This meant that the researchers had to administer the IQ tests to a large number of people and set the average performance at 100. However, it was discovered that people, on average, were achieving scores substantially higher than 100 on the same IQ tests …

Are the changes in average IQ in the past 100 years a consequence of education or dysgenics? Read More »

How often do people who are not in academia discuss IQ?

In the time that I’ve been answering questions about IQ and intelligence, I’ve received a disproportionate number of questions about IQ from those in academia–especially students who are comparing themselves to their colleagues. This is to be expected, just as we might expect golfers to inquire about the physiological aspects of hitting a long drive. …

How often do people who are not in academia discuss IQ? Read More »

What is the difference between being smart, intelligent and knowledgeable )in terms of IQ?

The three concepts: smart, intelligent, and knowledgeable are strongly correlated although they have slightly different nuances. Smart Smartness–what the Ancient Greeks called phronesis–is the vaguest of the these concepts because its measure is purely subjective. Often, it’s associated with “street smarts” or the ability to navigate through human relationships with some degree of skill. In the …

What is the difference between being smart, intelligent and knowledgeable )in terms of IQ? Read More »

What is the self-Esteem of individuals of high IQ?

The self-esteem of high IQ individuals spans the full range from low self-esteem to high self-esteem. Many very high IQ people have low self-esteem because they compare themselves to those at the top of the IQ scale. The great physicist, Paul Ehrenfest, who collaborated with Einstein and found a contradiction in the equivalence principle, committed …

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Would the world be better off without high IQ mathematicians who invent stuff that complicates everything?

This question was posed by, Lara, a visitor to Quora to which I offered the following response. Lara, it all depends upon how you want to live. Modern science and technology stands on a foundation of mathematics developed by high IQ mathematicians. Among these high IQ mathematicians were those who developed the computer technology, including …

Would the world be better off without high IQ mathematicians who invent stuff that complicates everything? Read More »

What is the Evidence for and Against the claim that “Your environment has a Greater Impact on your Intelligence than Genetics”?

Historical Background In 1690, English philosopher John Locke stated that we all come into the world as intellectually “blank slates” (Tabula Rasa, in Latin) and acquire knowledge and intelligence that are written on these slates by our experiences. The political view underpinning Locke’s assertion was that if, indeed, we all enter the world as blank …

What is the Evidence for and Against the claim that “Your environment has a Greater Impact on your Intelligence than Genetics”? Read More »

What’s the difference between a highly intelligent person and a Genius?

High intelligence is probably a prerequisite for genius, especially the kind of genius that is expressed in abstract fields like mathematics, physics and the other sciences, because measures of intelligence are highly correlated with performance in these fields. In the arts, high intelligence may be less important than a special creativity, skill or knowledge. Shakespeare’s …

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