Do Twins have identical personalities? Is it nature or Nurture that shapes their Differences in Character?

Yes, twins can have different personalities. Identical twins (monozygotic twins) have identical genes because they emerge from a single fertilized egg that splits into two embryos. However, they are not identical personality traits and behavioral tendencies. Fraternal twins, on the other hand, who develop from two separate eggs fertilized by different sperm, are no more …

Do Twins have identical personalities? Is it nature or Nurture that shapes their Differences in Character? Read More »

What is the percentage error in an IQ score?

“Percentage error” would be difficult to calculate for IQ tests, because it would require a measurement of the discrepancy between the “exact intelligence” and the measured IQ. Since, there is no way to determine the ”exact intelligence” of a person, calculation of a “percentage error” is not possible. However, to estimate the “accuracy” of an …

What is the percentage error in an IQ score? Read More »

Can parents of average IQ have a child of IQ 160?

In 2011, a large group of researchers published the results of a genome-wide analysis of 549,692 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) involving 3511 unrelated adults. (An SNP represents a difference in a single DNA building block, called a nucleotide.) (See: Davies, G., A. Tenesa, A. Payton, J. Yang, S.E. Harris, D. Liewald, et al. 2011. “Genome-wide …

Can parents of average IQ have a child of IQ 160? Read More »

What are examples of variables that are positively correlated by not causally related?

A few years ago, a school board discovered that there was a positive correlation between a student’s shoe size and a student’s intelligence. Those with larger shoe sizes had higher IQ scores than those of smaller shoe size. The school board administrators, having little knowledge of statistics, assumed that there was some kind of causal …

What are examples of variables that are positively correlated by not causally related? Read More »

Do Most people believe there are more unintelligent than intelligent people?

It would be impossible for the proportions of intelligent and unintelligent people to be unequal, because IQ scores are normed so that half the people are above average intelligence and half are below. (For the same reason, the number of short people is the same as the number of tall people, provided height is normally …

Do Most people believe there are more unintelligent than intelligent people? Read More »

Is it True that the Greatest leaders have IQ between 120 and 135, while Those of IQ greater than 145 are rarely great leaders?

The concept of IQ emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, but formal IQ tests such as WAIS (the Weschler test) did not emerge until the 1950’s. (You can visit this site for a brief history of their development: Why were IQ tests developed originally?) Consequently, we don’t have IQ measures for the greatest leaders …

Is it True that the Greatest leaders have IQ between 120 and 135, while Those of IQ greater than 145 are rarely great leaders? Read More »

Was Einstein’s intelligence innate IQ or the Result of hard Work?

The concept of IQ emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, but formal IQ tests such as WAIS (the Weschler test) did not emerge until the 1950’s. (You can visit this site for a brief history of their development: Why were IQ tests developed originally?) Consequently, Einstein’s IQ was never measured. However, based on his …

Was Einstein’s intelligence innate IQ or the Result of hard Work? Read More »

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