What are the pros and cons of attending an elite university?

In his book, David and Goliath1, journalist Malcolm Gladwell discusses the downside of attending an elite university. Citing the case of Caroline Sacks, he asserts that she suffered from “little fish in a big pond syndrome.” Caroline had excellent grades in science and had to choose between enrolling in science at the University of Maryland …

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Is AI more intelligent than the people who created it?

Daniel, it all depends upon how we define “smarter.” Certainly AI is more capable than humans in certain functions that we regard as cognitive. For example, the rate at which signals can be transmitted along myelinated axons connecting neurons in the brain can be about 100 m/s. However, the propagation velocity of electric current in …

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Why do Universities still teach “useless” theoretical math in undergraduate engineering?

A few years ago, when I was a graduate student, I received an urgent call for help from a Dean in charge of the Food Sciences program. Her students were struggling with the calculus course and they needed extra classes. When I looked at the notes they were receiving from the professor, it was evident …

Why do Universities still teach “useless” theoretical math in undergraduate engineering? Read More »


Blog / July 4, 2023 Today, the United States of America celebrates its 247th birthday. Arguably, the greatest nation in the history of human civilization, America has led the world in almost all technological advances in the past 100 years, ranging from the development of electronic devices like the phonograph, the incandescent bulb, and the television, to …


In What Ways has the Value of Intelligence Changed in our Work and our Lives?

In 1950, half of the world’s population was employed in agriculture. Most societies were agrarian and lived off the land, farming with limited tools. A large proportion of the populations in industrial nations were employed in factories and performing manual labor. A much smaller proportion of the population was employed in professions requiring sophisticated intellectual …

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Why do some people claim to be smart, but Are not smart enough to treat others with respect?

Probably, because they are neither smart nor intelligent. Those who are highly intelligent are usually intelligent enough to stay quiet about their cognitive strengths. (There are, of course, exceptions, but they are the exceptions that prove the rule.) From the time they are young, highly intelligent people receive praise for their prowess in school and …

Why do some people claim to be smart, but Are not smart enough to treat others with respect? Read More »

Happy Canada Day!

July 1 is Canada Day. We celebrate the fact that, relative to most of the world, we are an oasis in the desert. We enjoy a level of civility that is not only unprecedented in the world today, but also throughout history. We are multicultural, embrace education, and have a system of laws that most …

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What is the Difference between a Genius and a Super-Genius?

Mathematician, Paul Halmos has provided a rough rubric for ranking mathematicians in order of their achievements. In his book, “I want to be a Mathematician,” he states (p. 305): “Mathematicians of the first ranker the obvious immortals, the unarguable greats, the ones like Archimedes and Gauss. The second rank consists of people who have a …

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