Can Someone without much education or Background have a high IQ?

IQ is an approximate measure of a person’s intelligence. Research has revealed that our potential intelligence is highly attributable to the genes that we inherit. See: What is the average percentage that genes contribute to our overall intelligence/IQ? – Intelligence and IQ  However, the interaction of our genetics with the environment is a major determinant of …

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What is the average percentage that genes contribute to our overall intelligence/IQ?

This is a complex question because it presupposes that we can assign a precise percentage to how much of an individual’s intelligence is a result of their genetic makeup. When a psychologist says, “70% of intelligence is heritable and 30% is environmental,” that does not mean that 70% of your IQ score is attributable to your inherited …

What is the average percentage that genes contribute to our overall intelligence/IQ? Read More »

Is Intelligence Genetic? Can Everyone have the same level of intelligence?

In 1690, English philosopher John Locke stated that we all come into the world as intellectually “blank slates” (Tabula Rasa, in Latin) and acquire knowledge and intelligence that are written on these slates by our experiences. The political view underpinning Locke’s assertion was that if, indeed, we all enter the world as blank slates, and …

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What prompts the most intelligent people to acknowledge their lack of knowledge?

Michael Jordan, considered by many to be the greatest basketball player of all time, once stated, “I’ve missed more shots than I’ve made. I succeed because I fail.” Jordan knows that he is highly regarded in the world of basketball, so he is not shy about admitting his basketball failures. In a similar way, highly …

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What’s the difference between intelligence (IQ) and Emotional intelligence (EQ)?

Intelligence is perceived differently by different people, but perhaps the most widely accepted definition is one articulated by psychologist Linda Gottfredson: Intelligence is a very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience. It is not merely …

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What is the value of providing Special programs for Gifted Students?

Most criticism of gifted programs come from those who regard them as “elitist” or a form of “racial discrimination.” The equity movement denies individual differences in intelligence and the concept of giftedness. (see: California Recognizes Giftedness – Intelligence and IQ) However, a look at the greatest innovations in technology and business have come from the highly …

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