How do People who aren’t considered smart or intelligent get through Life?

The answer to this question depends upon the level of intelligence possessed by the person referred to as “neither smart nor intelligent.” The graph below from the Wonderlic Personnel Test and Scholastic Level Exam shows the kinds of employment that match different levels of IQ. The row labeled career potential shows the spectrum of employment ranging from …

How do People who aren’t considered smart or intelligent get through Life? Read More »

Can we compare the intelligence of brilliant people?

Many people ask questions such as, “Who was more intelligent, Einstein or Newton?” In the modern context, the question is, “Who is smarter, Elon Musk or Bill Gates?” Both questions are unanswerable because intelligence is a multi-dimensional attribute. Imagine that you’re lost in the Australian outback and you have a choice of people, Elon Musk, …

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What Billionaire Entrepreneur is Featured on the Current Sports illustrated Cover?

When Dr. Gene Landrum published his book, Entrepreneurial Genius: The Power of Passion, he profiled a dozen of the greatest entrepreneurs, including Henry Ford, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos and even the founder of Playboy, Hugh Hefner. Yet, only one of these entrepreneurs has been featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated, and it wasn’t Hugh. …

What Billionaire Entrepreneur is Featured on the Current Sports illustrated Cover? Read More »

Why is US Cable Television so politically polarized?

In the 1970s, NBC anchors David Brinkley and John Chancellor delivered the news to many Americans. Other Americans tuned in to CBS where Walter Cronkite had earned the title, “Most trusted man in America,” for his balanced reporting of world events. Still others visited ABC where three anchors, including Peter Jennings, provided news that paralleled …

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Why are humans so obsessed with comparing who is smart or stupid considering how there is no objective way to measure intelligence?

While there is no perfect device for measuring general intelligence, g, the efficacy of IQ tests in predicting job capability and performance is well established in the research. Linda Gottfredson, one of the leading researchers in the implications of general intelligence, states: (Gottfredson, Linda S. “Why g Matters: The Complexity of Everyday Life.” 1997. Intelligence 24 …

Why are humans so obsessed with comparing who is smart or stupid considering how there is no objective way to measure intelligence? Read More »

Why do so many senior citizens wish for a return to “The Good Old days?”

During your early years, your brain was attempting to adapt to your environment. During your first two years of existence, the neurons in your brain were connecting at the rate of about 2 million synapses per second, so that by age 2 you had about 100 trillion synapses–about double the number you have now. In …

Why do so many senior citizens wish for a return to “The Good Old days?” Read More »

What are the benefits and drawbacks of being in a class with other “gifted” students?

One significant benefit of being in a class of gifted students is that you are less likely to be bullied. As evident in the biographies of people like Bezos, Musk, Jobs and others, children who are gifted have different interests from most others and therefore cannot self-reference to understand how others feel. In their early …

What are the benefits and drawbacks of being in a class with other “gifted” students? Read More »

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