Do People with very High IQ’s share any traits? What are they and how do they view people of average intelligence?

What Traits do High IQ people Share? Most people would agree that Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr. and Benjamin Franklin were highly intelligent people. All had a high degree of self-efficacy, believing in their vision even when it ran contrary to consensus. Albert Einstein’s assertions that time is not absolute …

Do People with very High IQ’s share any traits? What are they and how do they view people of average intelligence? Read More »

Can IQ be increased by Training the Brain, or does it only Decrease with Age?

This is a question that has haunted mathematicians and physicists as well those in other high IQ professions. In 1927, physicist Paul Dirac, who won a Nobel Prize at age 31 for his work in quantum physics, wrote the following quatrain: Age is, of course, a fever chillThat every physicist must fear.He’s better dead than …

Can IQ be increased by Training the Brain, or does it only Decrease with Age? Read More »

Think you’re intelligent? You Ain’t seen nothin’ Yet: Part III

En route to our discussion of ChatGPT, we have been providing a very brief summary of some of the milestones in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) that have brought us to a point where many computer scientists are advising that we declare a temporary halt to further development until we can establish some “guardrails” …

Think you’re intelligent? You Ain’t seen nothin’ Yet: Part III Read More »

Think You’re Intelligent? You Ain’t seen nothin’ Yet: Part II

In the previous post, Think You’re Intelligent? You Ain’t seen nothin’ Yet: Part I, ( we traced the early stages of artificial intelligence (AI) en route to a discussion of the latest AI software ChatGPT (Generative, Pre-trained Generator) that is rocking the intellectual world. In that post we visited the defeat of chess master Gary …

Think You’re Intelligent? You Ain’t seen nothin’ Yet: Part II Read More »

Think you’re intelligent? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!: Part I

A few months ago, the latest innovation in artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, was released, creating a tsunami of controversy about its implications for news, education, politics and war. It has been described as a societal game-changer that may even exceed the impact of the printing press in granting to all humans access to information never before …

Think you’re intelligent? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!: Part I Read More »

My IQ was tested as below average when I was 5. I’m now in a stem program at a top university. Do You think the IQ Test was inaccurate?

IQ test scores are not particularly reliable for children at age 5 because children mature mentally at different rates. (Einstein was so late in learning to speak that his parents feared that he would never acquire language.) Between birth and early adulthood, the brain passes through significant periods of neural growth and pruning in which …

My IQ was tested as below average when I was 5. I’m now in a stem program at a top university. Do You think the IQ Test was inaccurate? Read More »

Do Hi-Q People know at an early age that they are different from others?

When children attend schools where there are gifted programs, the highly intelligent students are provided with instructional materials commensurate with their abilities. This groups them with students of similar intellect and interests. They become aware that they have higher than average intelligence and tend to be more motivated to develop this gift. When an egalitarian …

Do Hi-Q People know at an early age that they are different from others? Read More »

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