What Scientific Evidence validates IQ tests as a measure of intelligence?

No one knows exactly what we mean by intelligence, but as Justice Potter Stewart of the US Supreme Court said in 1964, “Intelligence is like porn, difficult to define, but you know it when you see it.” When we observe members of our species we see some who learn quickly, can solve problems easily, and …

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What is the difference between High intelligence and genius?

High intelligence is probably a prerequisite for genius, especially the kind of genius that is expressed in abstract fields like mathematics, physics and the other sciences, because measures of intelligence are highly correlated with performance in these fields. In the arts, high intelligence may be less important than a special creativity, skill or knowledge. Shakespeare’s …

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Is fluid intelligence nothing more than Pattern recognition?

Pattern recognition is definitely an important component of fluid intelligence, but there are several others. Fluid intelligence varies depending on the neural structure of the brain. The brains of highly intelligent people are typically found to have a lower neurite density allowing for a faster and more efficient transmission of information. Such brains also show …

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