Is it possible to increase your intelligence?

In the 1940’s, psychologist Raymond B. Cattell attempted to create “culture-free” tests of intelligence. Believing that IQ tests contain implicit biases in favor of particular cultures, he sought to apply factor analysis to partition the g factor of intelligence (as measured by IQ) into two components–fluid and crystallized. He described fluid intelligence, as “a capacity …

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How do High Intelligence, Genius, Cleverness and Smartness differ?

The four concepts: genius, high intelligence, smartness and cleverness, share common characteristics because they all draw on our ability to learn and to solve problems–intelligence. Consequently, we’ll build on the definition of intelligence in order to distinguish among these concepts. Intelligence The following definition of intelligence, given by psychologist Linda Gottfredson in 1997, has achieved wide consensus …

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Do computers score higher than humans on IQ tests?

During the latter half of the 20th century, the development of digital technology accelerated the creation of knowledge at an exponential rate. In what has been called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we have created machines with processing power that can defeat humans in strategic games like chess and associative challenges like Jeopardy! as well as outpace us in …

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What are the best tests for measuring your IQ?

The most widely-used IQ tests are the Wechsler, the Stanford-Binet and the Raven’s Progressive Matrices tests. Wechsler (WAIS IV) In 1955, American psychologist David Wechsler published a new intelligence test that became known as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). He defined intelligence as “the global capacity of a person to act purposefully, to think rationally, and …

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is intelligence the ability to think Abstractly or is it more than that?

The ability to think abstractly is certainly an important component of intelligence, and particularly in mathematics and theoretical physics where symbolism requires a strong connection between and understanding of a “concrete” reality and its representation. However there are several cognitive skills such as pattern recognition and a strong short-term memory that are also essential in …

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Are the Billionaires smarter than most of us?

The short answer to that question is “Yes, most of the world’s richest people are highly intelligent. Those who have accumulated wealth, rather than inherited it, share certain character traits that are manifest in a variety of different forms. One of these is a high IQ. Though some have accumulated substantial wealth through employment and …

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What is the Relationship between EQ and IQ?

The combination of intrapersonal and interpersonal skills, is said to constitute emotional intelligence (EQ). Someone of IQ around 85 is less likely to have the intrapersonal skills (self-knowledge) of someone of average intelligence, because people at this IQ level tend to be less reflective. Being less reflective, they are less likely to self-reference to understand …

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