Do you have to be intelligent to be a good writer?

The skills demanded of a good writer depend upon the genre. I can speak with some experience on didactic writing, because I’ve written more than 30 non-fiction books and textbooks on mathematics, intelligence, and finance. However, I will only speculate on the intellectual requirements for different types of fiction.  Fiction at the highest level, such …

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What was the controversy over the existence of intelligence?

In 1904, Alfred Binet was the director of the psychology laboratory at the Sorbonne in Paris. The Minister of Public Education commissioned Binet to develop tests to identify less capable students who should be provided some form of special education. To this purpose, Binet set out to develop a series of tests connected to everyday …

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Why do parents think their child is a genius until the IQ Test is taken?

When we are young, our brains grow at a prodigious rate. In a very short time, we acquire verbal language, learn how to read and write, and absorb information quickly, retaining names and reciting snippets of television commercials with 100% accuracy. Parents have forgotten how quickly they acquired knowledge and skills during their formative years, …

Why do parents think their child is a genius until the IQ Test is taken? Read More »

Can a person with high IQ but low EQ be successful in life?

The relative importance of IQ and EQ in determining your level of success in life depends upon your defintion of success and the career path you choose. EQ  (emotional intelligence) typically means “people skills.” If you have a low EQ, then you are below average in your ability to empathize and connect with others (interpersonal …

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