What is the Definition of IQ? Is there an IQ Limit that Cannot be Surpassed?

In a nutshell, your IQ is a measure of your performance on a series of “intelligence” tests relative to other people your age. I’ll take you briefly through the development of these tests and their interpretation. For a deeper history of the evolution of IQ, visit: https://www.intelligence-and-iq.com/how-did-iq-measurements-evolve-over-time/ In 1955, American psychologist David Wechsler published an …

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At What age Does one pass his/her intellectual peak?

Since antiquity, it has been recognized that people tend to decline physically and mentally as they approach middle age. While these changes vary significantly from individual to individual, most of us increase our intellectual productivity throughout early adulthood, reach a peak in middle age, and decline in mental acuity as we move into old age. …

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What do the Trustees of the Gates foundation understand that most people Don’t?

On October 19, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced that they would be providing an endowment of $1.1 billion over the next 4 years for rebuilding mathematics education in America.  The goals of the endowment are:  • to obtain more and better-trained mathematics teachers,  • to create a new offering of motivational and inspiring …

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Is it possible for someone who is late in learning to speak (after age 5) to develop a high IQ?

It is possible that a highly intelligent person will be slow to acquire speech. Albert Einstein was so slow in learning to talk that his parents consulted a doctor. His sister Maja reported, “He had such difficulty with language that those around him feared he would never learn [to speak].” In fact, one of his …

Is it possible for someone who is late in learning to speak (after age 5) to develop a high IQ? Read More »

What transforms a brilliant person into a genius?

Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Performance, https://www.amazon.com/Flow-Psychology-Experience-Perennial-Classics/dp/0061339202 described the flow state associated with performing in the so-called “Zen zone” Flow is a highly focused state of relaxed concentration that obliterates all else out of consciousness. It is the state of self-actualization or transcendental behavior that is euphoric, the state …

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Why is Your early Learning so important to your IQ?

Many people think that post secondary education is the most important component of our education. However, cognitive science has revealed that it’s during our earliest years that we develop the intellectual tools that we need to acquire the skills and knowledge needed throughout life. Early Brain Growth An evolutionary asset of the human brain is …

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