A Celebration of Chopin’s Genius on his Birthday recalls the Defiance of Invading Armies

Today, March 1 is the birthday of Frédéric Chopin, one of the great musical geniuses of the Romantic Era in classical music. Frédéric Chopin was born on March 1, 1810 in Żelazowa Wola, a village near Warsaw. A renowned child-prodigy pianist and composer, he grew up in Warsaw where he completed his musical education. At …

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Is there a reason that if you consider the top 1-2% of a set of things, the remaining 99% is still negligible in relation? e.g: Wealth division in top 2% vs bottom 98%.

Yes, it’s called Lotka’s Law. We observe that human characteristics like lifespan, height, and IQ are bound closely to the average, so that 95% of American males are within 10% of the average height. Similarly, 95% of Americans have an IQ that is within 30 IQ points of the average American IQ. These attributes are …

Is there a reason that if you consider the top 1-2% of a set of things, the remaining 99% is still negligible in relation? e.g: Wealth division in top 2% vs bottom 98%. Read More »

What was the Secret of Abraham Lincoln’s Oratory Genius?

Today, we celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. Inaugurated as the 16th President of the United States in 1861, when America was on the brink of civil war, he was facing the greatest challenge to the nation’s survival since the American Revolution. The appeal of his speeches during his candidacy that won him the election would become …

What was the Secret of Abraham Lincoln’s Oratory Genius? Read More »

Do the Highly Intelligent have Slower Cognitive Decline than Average?

The graph below from Intelligence, IQ and Perception shows the relationship between fluid and crystallized intelligence as we age. We observe that as we age, our fluid intelligence peaks in our early 20’s and goes into gradual decline. However, our crystallized intelligence acquired from our life experiences and our learning increases so that our total intelligence peaks …

Do the Highly Intelligent have Slower Cognitive Decline than Average? Read More »

Why do US Students Lag in Math in Comparison with Other Nations?

This question has recently appeared on Quora in various forms, as Americans see a gradual decline of the US on the world stage. American economic and military dominance originally emerging from its strength in the STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is now seen to be in serious decline as the Asian countries embrace …

Why do US Students Lag in Math in Comparison with Other Nations? Read More »

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