Why is Einstein Considered the Quintessential Genius of the 20th Century?

In the intellectual corridors of theoretical physics we find those who are gifted with a special capacity for abstract thought.  Cooperating and collaborating in the fight to wrest nature’s secrets from her closely guarded bosom, these intellectual gladiators simultaneously compete for “top-dog” status in achieving the breakthrough insight that yields a new paradigm. Anyone who …

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The Chessboard Showdown between artificial and human Intelligence: AI vs. IQ.

As the 20th century came to a close and the 21st century emerged, our species began to expect increasingly more of artificial intelligence. It appeared to many that for the first time in human history, carbon-based intelligence (i.e., human intelligence) might be surpassed by silicon-based intelligence, making us no longer the smartest entities on the …

The Chessboard Showdown between artificial and human Intelligence: AI vs. IQ. Read More »

Are We a Community of Intellectual Equals? –Sturgeon’s Law

In 1993, psychologist Anders Ericsson challenged the concept of innate talent, asserting:  Individual differences, even among elite performers, are closely related to assessed amounts of deliberate practice. Many characteristics once believed to reflect innate talent are actually the result of intense practice extended for a minimum of 10 years. Analysis of expert performance provides unique …

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In Praise of Excellence

Recently, the egalitarian movement has attempted to diminish the concept of “talent” or “giftedness” by promoting the idea that we are all essentially equal in most, if not all, respects. This is an attractive proposition in its potential to mollify the feelings of inferiority that many suffer when they see the achievements of others paraded …

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What is an Example of a Hi-Q Person who is not Wise?

In November 2011, 68-year-old physicist Paul Frampton was feeling lonely and despondent. Years of chasing top-dog status among Nobel laureates in elementary particle physics had left him without a family, and languishing in the emptiness of a life devoid of relationships. Since his divorce 3 years earlier from Anne-Marie, his only connections to the outer …

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Evil Genius or Madman?

On December 14, 2021, Ted Kaczynski a.k.a., the Unabomber, was transferred from his cell in a maximum security federal prison in Colorado to the U.S. Bureau of Prison’s FMC Butner medical center in North Carolina after serving almost  a quarter century behind bars. After pleading guilty to planting home-made bombs that killed three people and …

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