How does the correlation between high IQ and social difficulties impact the development of groundbreaking technologies or scientific discoveries?

Jessica, this is an interesting question and it’s difficult to answer with any degree of precision because so many groundbreaking technologies or scientific discoveries are made by people of high IQ who also have some degree of social difficulty. In the past few centuries, scientific breakthroughs have come from renegades who “march to the tune …

How does the correlation between high IQ and social difficulties impact the development of groundbreaking technologies or scientific discoveries? Read More »

How does having an IQ <100 compare to having an IQ >160 in terms of lifestyle and experiences?

It would seem that someone of IQ > 160 would have a much greater likelihood of having lifestyle options not available to someone of IQ < 100, and yet within each group there are people whose lifestyles range from miserable to highly rewarding. If we were able to measure the quality of lifestyle and experiences …

How does having an IQ <100 compare to having an IQ >160 in terms of lifestyle and experiences? Read More »

Do physicists experience frustration with math? If so, what aspects of mathematics do they find frustrating?

The only people who do not struggle with mathematics are those who don’t use it. As aspiring physicists advance through their undergraduate studies, they face increasingly difficult levels of mathematics, moving through calculus, linear algebra and different domains of geometry. As they transition into graduate work, depending on their field of interest, they will require …

Do physicists experience frustration with math? If so, what aspects of mathematics do they find frustrating? Read More »

Can Someone with a Higher IQ Learn Advanced Mathematics on their Own?

Srinivasa Ramanujan. 1887 – 1920 Absolutely! There are a variety of excellent textbooks in mathematics up to the graduate level that will enable a highly intelligent person to master mathematics to that level. Beyond that, you will need to delve into research journals to find the latest developments in particular branches of mathematics. A remarkable …

Can Someone with a Higher IQ Learn Advanced Mathematics on their Own? Read More »

Can someone potentially be deserving of a Nobel Prize but not receive it due to a mistake they made in their lifetime, like Einstein?

Actually, Einstein did ultimately receive a Noble Prize for Physics. It had eluded him for almost two decades after his annus mirabilis in 1905. Although he had been nominated several times from 1910 onward for his Theory of Relativity, the award was given each year to someone else. Finally, in 1922 the Nobel Committee informed …

Can someone potentially be deserving of a Nobel Prize but not receive it due to a mistake they made in their lifetime, like Einstein? Read More »

What Factors contribute to some people having more natural talent in math and science than others, even with the same educational opportunities?

We are all born with different characteristics and proclivities depending on the genes we inherit. This applies to our ability to recognize complex patterns in information, to solve problems at a high level and to engage in complex abstraction. That’s why some people score higher than others in the math section of IQ tests. Is …

What Factors contribute to some people having more natural talent in math and science than others, even with the same educational opportunities? Read More »

Have there been any cases where a child who received low grades later became a famous scientist, such as Newton or Einstein?

Yes, there are several known, and probably many more unknown cases in which a student has done poorly or failed tests and gone on to achieve greatness. I will provide three examples: one who failed in elementary school, and two who failed at higher levels. On February 11, 1847, Thomas Alva Edison was born in …

Have there been any cases where a child who received low grades later became a famous scientist, such as Newton or Einstein? Read More »

Did Einstein ever know his IQ was higher than others and did he ever boast about it?

Although there is no record of Einstein ever taking an IQ test, it’s unlikely that he would have been interested in this measure of his intelligence, because he believed that intelligence was more closely aligned to passionate curiosity. Walter Isaacson, in his biography of Einstein, titled, Einstein: His Life and Universe, (p. 548) reported that …

Did Einstein ever know his IQ was higher than others and did he ever boast about it? Read More »

Is it true that understanding can become more difficult as we age? What factors contribute to this?

Research has revealed that there is a great deal of variation among individuals in their ages of peak performance, some achieving eminence before age 30 and others decades later. Furthermore, certain cognitive abilities continue to increase throughout life, while others decline. Reporting on their recent findings, the researchers at MIT’s Department of Brain and Cognitive …

Is it true that understanding can become more difficult as we age? What factors contribute to this? Read More »

Can smart individuals also have a fun and goofy side, or are they always serious and focussed?

Most highly intelligent people, acutely aware of the absurdities of life, express themselves in humor that is sometimes playful and often sardonic. Laughter provides a natural release for the psychological stress that comes from prolonged intense focus. Richard Feynman was famous for his jokes and pranks. During his childhood, he collected stamps and among his …

Can smart individuals also have a fun and goofy side, or are they always serious and focussed? Read More »

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