If Einstein had spent as many hours on chess, would he be able to beat Bobby Fischer?

When this question appeared this week on our Quora site, https://www.intelligence-and-iq.com/the-many-faces-of-intelligence/, it generated a lot of discussion, revealing some different perceptions of IQ. Who do you think would win such a contest had it been possible? The reason why this “thought experiment” has value, is that your answer reflects your perception of the meaning of …

If Einstein had spent as many hours on chess, would he be able to beat Bobby Fischer? Read More »

What are the special problems that may come from having very high intelligence and giftedness?

To answer this question, I must clarify what I mean by “giftedness,” because the concept of giftedness is currently under challenge. The California Department of Education, in their draft of the Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools, K-12, asserts: We reject ideas of natural gifts and talents…an important goal of this framework is to replace …

What are the special problems that may come from having very high intelligence and giftedness? Read More »

To what extent is intelligence inherited, and how do genes and environment interact to influence intellectual functioning?

In 1946, J.B.S. Haldane, an English scientist stated: We cannot in general say that A has a greater innate ability than B. A might do better in environment X, and B in environment Y. Had I been born in a Glasgow slum I should very probably have become a chronic drunkard, and if so, I …

To what extent is intelligence inherited, and how do genes and environment interact to influence intellectual functioning? Read More »

Is Talent a Myth?

Subscribing to the belief that special programs for the mathematically gifted are elitist and/or racist, the California Department of Education, has drafted the Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools, K-12 document. The first chapter of that document, throws down the gauntlet asserting:   We reject ideas of natural gifts and talents…an important goal of this …

Is Talent a Myth? Read More »

If Einstein had been born and raised in Borneo by illiterate hunter-gatherers, then adopted into Western culture at age 18 and given a conventional education, how would this have affected his IQ?

This is a fascinating question on which people will have a wide range of opinions, though no one really knows the answer. The best we can do is to speculate, based on our observation of particular cases. Studies of identical twins raised apart have shown that there is a genetic component to intelligence, yet our …

If Einstein had been born and raised in Borneo by illiterate hunter-gatherers, then adopted into Western culture at age 18 and given a conventional education, how would this have affected his IQ? Read More »

Nassim Taleb criticizes IQ research on statistical grounds because of the nonlinearity of low and high scores. How valid is this criticism?

The following post is a response to a request that I address Taleb’s assertions. In his criticism of research related to IQ, Nassim Taleb addresses some of the misconceptions about IQ and makes some valid observations about the interpretation of IQ at its high end. However, some of his assertions fly in the face of …

Nassim Taleb criticizes IQ research on statistical grounds because of the nonlinearity of low and high scores. How valid is this criticism? Read More »

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