Post: As Our Intelligence Increases we move Closer to Annihilation

Most people would agree that the human species is at the top of the food chain. We live wherever we choose, displacing from their habitats animals that are faster, larger, and more physically powerful. We breed animals for food, train animals for work, and domesticate animals for companionship. We also develop chemicals to control insects, …

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After time humans get more intelligent, why do we still have wars?

In his bestseller, Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman outlined the two modes of thinking that he called System 1 and System 2. Roughly speaking, System 1 mode consists of intellectual processes that are “hard-wired” into our psyche and are performed automatically, or with minimal effort. Our startled reaction to an unexpected loud noise or …

After time humans get more intelligent, why do we still have wars? Read More »

Does the U.S. military have a minimum IQ requirement for entry?

Psychologist Linda Gottfredson in her 1997 article titled, “Why g Matters: The Complexity of Everyday Life” (Intelligence 24(1) p. 90) stated: Minimum enlistment standards since World War II have generally been higher than the 10th percentile, and closer to what they are today for the different services: the 16th percentile on the Armed Services Vocational …

Does the U.S. military have a minimum IQ requirement for entry? Read More »

Are IQ tests themselves compliant with the scientific method?

The IQ tests, such as the Raven’s Progressive Matrices or the Wechsler tests that include measures of verbal comprehension, perceptional reasoning, working memory, and processing speed, have been administered to large numbers of randomly selected people. From this sampling the distribution of scores is mapped onto a normal distribution with mean IQ equal to 100 …

Are IQ tests themselves compliant with the scientific method? Read More »

How long would it take for an average IQ person to prove the Poincare conjecture?

It is unlikely that anyone of average IQ could solve the Poincaré conjecture. Before attempting a solution, a person would have to invest years of study to acquire the background necessary to understand what’s involved. Then a great deal of abstract thinking, involving very high-order thinking skills would be required. The mathematicians, Freedman, Smale, and …

How long would it take for an average IQ person to prove the Poincare conjecture? Read More »

I have made many foolish life mistakes over the years. Do you think that high IQ individuals tend to make less life devastating mistakes than low to average IQ individuals, in general?

As you have probably seen throughout your life, everyone makes mistakes, but those of different levels of intelligence tend to make different kinds of mistakes. Based only on my personal observations, those in the lower levels of intelligence are more likely to make mistakes related to health issues, such as proper diet, adequate exercise and …

I have made many foolish life mistakes over the years. Do you think that high IQ individuals tend to make less life devastating mistakes than low to average IQ individuals, in general? Read More »

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