By how much does a person of IQ 150 differ in Intelligence from a person of IQ 145?

There is no discernible difference between two people who have these IQs. On an IQ test with mean 100 and standard deviation 15, a person of IQ 145 is in the 99.87th percentile, while a person of IQ 150 is in the 99.96th percentile. 

This means that 13 people out of 10,000 scored higher than the person of IQ 145 and only 4 people out of 10,000 scored higher than the person of IQ 150. Although IQ tests are the best measure of intelligence that we have, they are not precise enough to compare intelligence for people at this level. So many components of intelligence such as long-term problem solving ability, creativity and imagination are not measured in IQ tests. Consequently, we should regard an IQ measure as a two-dimensional slice of a three-dimensional entity.

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