
A forum for discussion ideas

Is it true that most geniuses have lower IQs than average people, but make up for it with their strong work ethic and determination?

The challenge in answering this question arises from the fact that we do not have IQ results for people who existed before the 20th century. We identify geniuses based on their contributions and then estimate their IQ based on their achievements. This is circular reasoning. To circumvent this problem, we must find independent means of …

Is it true that most geniuses have lower IQs than average people, but make up for it with their strong work ethic and determination? Read More »

Is there a correlation between high IQ scores and popularity in school?

Many students of high intelligence (IQ) also have excellent social skills (EQ). This is generally evident in people in the 120–130 IQ range. Such people are significantly more intelligent than average, but they are close enough to the average to be able to self-reference to understand how others feel. From this connection they develop empathy …

Is there a correlation between high IQ scores and popularity in school? Read More »

Is it possible to determine if someone is intelligent or uneducated based solely on their speech without any prior knowledge of their background?

Determining the level of education from speech The short answer to this question is that, in most cases, you can gain a good insight into a person’s level of education from their speech; however, assessing their intelligence is a greater challenge. Most of our judgements about the educational attainment or intelligence of others are intuitive. …

Is it possible to determine if someone is intelligent or uneducated based solely on their speech without any prior knowledge of their background? Read More »

Is it possible for IQ to increase? If so, what is the maximum potential increase in one’s lifetime (in terms of points)?

There is general agreement among psychologists that intelligence is composed of two components: fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. Fluid intelligence is related to neural efficiency, manifest in the ability to learn quickly, solve problems, comprehend abstract ideas, and retain information in short-term memory long enough to make connections. The more efficiently the brain is “hard-wired” …

Is it possible for IQ to increase? If so, what is the maximum potential increase in one’s lifetime (in terms of points)? Read More »

What can lead someone to have an interest in both physical activity and intellectual activity?

In their adage “Mens sana in corpore sano”, ( a healthy mind in a healthy body) the ancient Romans expressed the importance of achieving both mental and physical strength. It was this commitment to excellence that helped the Romans build an empire that ruled the world for 500 years. The Romans had inherited much of …

What can lead someone to have an interest in both physical activity and intellectual activity? Read More »

Is it Possible for someone to have a very high IQ but have an average understanding of mathematics? Has there been someone in history described as such?

Absolutely.! Most people of very high IQ have the potential to master mathematics at the undergraduate level, especially if their high IQ rating came mainly from the mathematical items on the IQ test. However, many very high IQ people are not inspired by mathematics and are more inclined toward other interests. Consequently, they don’t develop …

Is it Possible for someone to have a very high IQ but have an average understanding of mathematics? Has there been someone in history described as such? Read More »

Who has more influence in politics, those with money or those with high intelligence (IQ)?

In the absence of hard data dealing with this question, we look through the lens of history to gain some insight into who has prevailed in politics. Is those with wealth or those with intelligence? Over two thousand years ago, Socrates, one of the most intelligent people in the ancient world, was in Athens pioneering …

Who has more influence in politics, those with money or those with high intelligence (IQ)? Read More »

What are the most effective strategies for fostering critical thinking skills in students across different age groups?

Amelia, this is a deep question, and one that is vital to educators at all levels. A proper answer would require much more space than I have here, but I will try to outline an approach. As Einstein once observed, “The value of education is not the learning of many facts, but the training of …

What are the most effective strategies for fostering critical thinking skills in students across different age groups? Read More »

Is there a correlation between being a great scientist and being good at math?

In the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) mathematics is the language in which the ideas are formulated, expressed and established. To communicate in these subject disciplines, you must be fluent in mathematics. Omni Magazine, in a famous 1979 interview with physicist Richard Feynman asked: Are physical theories going to keep getting more abstract …

Is there a correlation between being a great scientist and being good at math? Read More »

Is there a relationship between intelligence (measured by IQ) and success as a U.S. president?

There is a positive correlation between intelligence and success in the US presidency, because the most intelligent people are found to be more likely to make good decisions and those who make the worst decisions are most often those who lack intelligence. However, that fact that there are many other factors that make for a …

Is there a relationship between intelligence (measured by IQ) and success as a U.S. president? Read More »

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