
A forum for discussion ideas

Is there a Way to become a Multi-millionaire Slowly but Surely?

Absolutely! During the past few decades, accumulating substantial wealth has been within the grasp of most people who are intelligent enough to learn a skill or develop a profession. The secret is to build wealth slowly, but surely, through maximizing your streams of income and minimizing your expenditures, while repeatedly investing the difference. Einstein is …

Is there a Way to become a Multi-millionaire Slowly but Surely? Read More »

Can someone have a high IQ and low EQ (Emotional intelligence)?

The combination of intrapersonal and interpersonal skills, is said to constitute emotional intelligence (EQ). For those who have a high IQ, say 130 or greater, obtaining a correlation between IQ and EQ is mainly anecdotal because EQ is much more difficult than IQ to measure. Tests such as the MSCEIT, designed to measure emotional intelligence, are difficult to norm …

Can someone have a high IQ and low EQ (Emotional intelligence)? Read More »

How can I Increase my IQ?

There is general agreement among psychologists that intelligence is composed of two components: fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. Fluid intelligence is related to neural efficiency, manifest in the ability to learn quickly, solve problems, comprehend abstract ideas, and retain information in short-term memory long enough to make connections. The more efficiently the brain is “hard-wired” in its neural …

How can I Increase my IQ? Read More »

Why do some people with super high iq seem to do dumb things and lack common sense?

People who have a high IQ are usually aware that they learn more quickly than others. They are often very successful in school, and faster than others in mastering cognitive tasks. Through these experiences, they acquire confidence in their ability to think independent of others. This enables them to escape from accepted beliefs and “think …

Why do some people with super high iq seem to do dumb things and lack common sense? Read More »

How do you know if you’re a genius or just highly intelligent?

High intelligence is probably a prerequisite for genius, especially the kind of genius that is expressed in abstract fields like mathematics, physics and the other sciences, because measures of intelligence are highly correlated with performance in these fields. In the arts, high intelligence may be less important than a special creativity, skill or knowledge. Shakespeare’s …

How do you know if you’re a genius or just highly intelligent? Read More »

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