Do people on Quora that answer questions about their high intelligence have an inflated sense of their own intelligence?

I think that highly intelligent people are more aware of their own limitations than the less intelligent. As Confucius once observed, “True wisdom is knowing what you don’t know.” Most of us who answer questions on intelligence have been fascinated by the topic and have been immersed in the scholarly analysis of intelligence and its manifestations. As we conduct research or read the research articles of other scholars, we realize that the concept of intelligence is very complex and that recognition brings with it an honest humility.

Many young people who have taken an IQ test and received a modest score, discount their chances for a successful career in a profession. By showing that success is highly correlated to personal attributes like perseverance, creativity, imagination and people skills, an answer to a question on intelligence might empower a young person and save them from selling themselves short. In short, a qualified person who answers a question on Quora can provide useful information that may help someone make a better decision.

I curate the Quora space Intelligence and IQ as an opportunity to share what I have learned, but more importantly, to bring together many people who have more expertise than I on certain topics and who are willing to share their ideas. There is no payment for doing this, except for the joy of imagining that someone out there is benefiting from what we may be contributing.

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