Entrepreneurial Genius: The Power of Passion

Gene Landrum, Ph.D., is a high-tech start-up specialist who teaches and lectures on the creative personality, innovation, and the Promethean temperament. He created Chuck E. Cheese, the popular family-oriented restaurant chain with over 400 locations, teaches at the International College in Naples, Florida, and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television talk shows. Entrepreneurial Genius is Gene Landrum's ninth book.
How Many of them Can You Identify?
Gene Landrum, Ph.D., is a high-tech start-up specialist who teaches and lectures on the creative personality, innovation, and the Promethean temperament. He created Chuck E. Cheese, the popular family-oriented restaurant chain with over 400 locations, teaches at the International College in Naples, Florida, and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television talk shows. Entrepreneurial Genius is Gene Landrum's ninth book.


Excerpt from a Review by Franco Arda
 This book is not about the biographies of successful entrepreneurs. It’s rather a composite psychobiography that analyzes the motivations and personality traits that characterize those successful entrepreneurs.
 I love Dr. Landrum’s books, in particular this book is entertaining and easy to read. One reason might be that Dr. Landrum understands the attribution problem better that many other authors. He rarely states ‘because he did this, he was successful…’. The average reader might expect that … but Dr. Landrum doesn’t write for the average reader.
 A must read book for any (aspiring) entrepreneur interested in the psychology behind some of the greatest entrepreneurs.

Reviewed by Jason Oman
 BRILLIANT Masterpiece of Success Education! When it comes to creating incredible success, very few things can teach you as many powerful lessons as studying other amazing successes that have come before you. Now, in Entrepreneurial Genius you get to learn some of the insider secrets behind the successes of a bunch of incredibly successful entrepreneurs! Books like this can make a MAJOR positive difference in your life!

In his book, Gene Landrum, one of the world’s foremost authorities on entrepreneurship, presents his 9 Laws of Entrepreneurial Genius. He presents biographical overviews of nine of the most interesting and powerful entrepreneurs from the 20th and 21st centuries, revealing their unique eccentricities as well as the personality traits that they have in common–attributes that raised them to the status of entrepreneurial genius.

To enable you to compare your own attributes with those of these great entrepreneurs, Dr. Landrum has included a self-assessment instrument in this book.


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