The quickest way to determine whether your IQ is above average is to have an IQ test administered by a certified psychometrician. If you’re a student in high school or university, you may be able to to schedule a test through the guidance department or a university student organization. Otherwise, you can go on line to find a psychometrician and schedule an appointment. However, this will probably involve a cost.
Alternatively, you can examine your behaviours in the following areas to obtain a “ballpark estimate” of whether your IQ is above average:
• Are you open to opinions that differ from your own? When you have discussions with people over religion or politics, do you find yourself getting angry or frustrated? Those who are above average in intelligence are more likely to see several sides of an issue and less likely to be threatened by opinions that differ from their own.
• Do you often revise your opinions and beliefs as you gather more information, or do you hold exactly the same opinions and beliefs that you had a decade ago? Average people come to their beliefs by adopting the beliefs of the people in the tribes to which they belong and they defend their beliefs with the passion of someone protecting their home. Above average IQ people think independently on most issues and do not always agree with the opinions and beliefs of the people closest to them.
• How broad is your range of interests? People of average IQ tend to have a limited range of interests, and their reading is limited to a few areas of interest that deal mainly with the here and now. Above average IQ people are interested in a wide range of areas including philosophy, history, great literature, scientific theories, economics and the arts. They look up at a night sky and reflect on the vastness of the universe and the significance of human existence. Few people of average intelligence show much interest in philosophy, quantum physics or mathematics. To see the IQ of people choosing various college majors, visit: What is the average IQ of students by their chosen degree? I just found an old statistic. – Intelligence and IQ
• People of average IQ typically spend more time gossiping about other people than above average IQ people. Above average IQ people are usually more interested in exploring ideas and achieving their goals than in denigrating others. An old adage states: High IQ people make things happen; average IQ people watch things happen; low IQ people wonder what happened.
Of course, these are rough generalizations, because we all occasionally engage in gossip, read tabloids or low-level social media, and absorb, without scrutiny, some beliefs of the people around us. However, these broad indicators are usually reliable in estimating the intellectual capacities of others as well as oneself.