How does an iq test measure reasoning skills?

While there are many different IQ tests that use logic and reasoning to measure intelligence, the Raven’s Progressive Matrices have the most widespread usage because they are not “culture-loaded.” That is, they are purely visual, language-independent, and free of knowledge favoring any particular culture. Each test consists of either 48 or 60 items, presented in order of increasing difficulty and is time-limited to about 40 minutes. Two samples of the kind of items that appear on these tests are given below. Typically, an item consists of an array of 3 × 3 grids, called matrices, arranged in 3 rows and 3 columns. As you scan the 3 matrices from left to right in a particular row, you are expected to determine how each matrix is derived from the one on its left. Sometimes, there will also be a relationship among matrices in the same column, in which case you must ascertain how each matrix is derived from the one above it. Answering an item correctly involves choosing the matrix or matrices that complete the pattern or patterns evident within the progression from left to right and/or top to bottom. Tests containing items with this structure are called Raven’s Progressive Matrices, after their creator John C. Raven.

In the following sample item, examine how the matrices change as you scan from left to right along the top row of the display. Then look for a pattern in how the matrices change in the middle row. Did the matrices in both rows change the same way?

Now, do the same for the matrices in each of columns 1 and 2 as you move from top to bottom. Did the matrices in both the rows and columns change the same way? If so, apply the same change to the second matrix in the bottom row and the second matrix in the third column to obtain the correct grid from the offerings “A” to “H” that belongs in the circle.

Sample Item 1

: Select the option, A through H, that belongs in the circle below to complete the pattern. (Try this before reading ahead.)

Answer to Sample Item 1

As we move from left to right along the top row of 3 × 3 matrices, the line joining the clubs rotates by 45˚ counterclockwise.

Similarly, as we move from left to right along the middle row of 3 × 3 matrices, the line joining the diamonds rotates by 45˚ counterclockwise.

Also, as we move from left to right along the bottom row of 3 × 3 matrices, the line joining the hearts rotates by 45˚ counterclockwise.

Moving from top to bottom in each column of matrices, we observe that the line joining the icons rotates by 45˚ clockwise and the symbols change from clubs to diamonds to hearts. Continuing these patterns across rows and down columns yields answer C.

Sample Item 2 (A More Difficult Test Item)

Examine how the 3 × 3 matrices change as you move from left to right along each row of the array. Then select the matrix, A through H that belongs in the circle below to complete the pattern across the bottom row. (I won’t provide the answer because I want you to scratch your head.)

The remarkable aspect of progressive matrices test items is that they are excellent indicators of general reasoning ability and they are strongly correlated to job performance in various careers.

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