A man is looking at a portrait of someone. Then, pointing to the person in the portrait he says, “Brothers and sisters, I have none, but that man’s father is my father’s son. Who is the person in the portrait?
Answer: Since the person pointing to the portrait has no siblings, the phrase, “My father’s son.” can be replaced with the word “me.” The statement, “That man’s father is my father’s son,” reduces to “That man’s father is me.” So the person in the portrait is his son.
Jari, you’re on the right track. Think it through and try again. I’ll give you one more chance. 😊
Is he looking at the portrait of his own son then?
You are correct Jari. He is looking at a portrait of his son. Congratulations!
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His son
That’s correct Misty. Most people incorrectly answer,”himself.” This is an old problem and it was recently featured in an episode of the Big Bang Theory.
You’re right Joel. Good thinking. Most people think it’s a picture of himself. The easiest way to explain this answer to people is to have them substitute the word “me” for the expression “my father’s son.” Congrats.